[U-Boot-Users] RTL-8169/8167 issues

Øyvind Repvik repvik at kynisk.com
Wed Mar 5 15:52:54 CET 2008

	I'm trying to get a recent u-boot running properly on a QNAP 
TurboStation TS-101/TS-201, and I'm having problems with the network 
driver. When powered on, the device refuses to send anything to the 
network on the first attempt (eg. first ping fails). The second and 
subsequent attempts however, works perfectly.

With debugging switched on, the driver outputs the expected init output, 
but on the first attempt appears to loop on "rtl_recv", outputting this 
hundreds of times. (I don't have a debug log handy right now, but the 
only difference is that instead of *one* rtl_recv, there are hundreds)
On the second attempt, there's only one rtl_recv.

Anyone got a clue as to what is going on?
I'm using the attached patch to correct endianness issues and add device 

Øyvind Repvik
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