[U-Boot-Users] Uboot-V2: ARM: towards a common start-arm.S

Nishanth Menon menon.nishanth at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 23:32:10 CET 2008

Hi Sascha,

I think we dont have a seperate list for uboot-v2, so, just wanted to
know the opinion of having a single arch/arm/cpu/start-arm.S instead of
multiple start-arm files. essentially providing hooks to arch,soc,board
specific preinits can allow us to reuse major chunk of code..
I have attached a sample start-arm.S (modified from start-arm920t.S) as

Do let me know your comments and view as to how the initial handling can
be made abstract enough to plug into requirements of future SOCs, boards
etc. I am looking not to mash in #ifdef ARCH_XYZ for each of the SOC
implementation I plan on doing.

Nishanth Menon
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