[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] DHCP request fix for Windows Server 2003

Aras Vaichas arasv at magtech.com.au
Tue Mar 25 23:43:57 CET 2008

This patch fixes a problem I had with a client who was getting DHCP
request retries with our network device and their DHCP server.

It turns out that their Windows Server 2003 DHCP server couldn't handle
fast DHCP transactions and it just "forgets" some of them. I verified
this with my own Windows Server 2003 install and a network analyser
(Ethereal/Wireshark). It seems that a small, lean 200MHz embedded system
is too fast for a Windows Server 2003 system running on a 2GHz+ machine.
Go figure.

Adding a small (50ms) delay fixes this problem nicely and it only adds a
small amount of overhead in comparison to the DHCP request timeouts and

NOTE: This patch is ported from my old 1.1.3 U-Boot system. I have not
retested it with 1.3.2 U-Boot against Windows Server 2003. The patch is
very small and simple, so I don't think should be necessary.

I can retest this functionality if you wish, but it will require me to
reinstall Windows Server and set everything up again.


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