[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH v2 4/7] add SMSC LAN9x1x Network driver

Tim Braun tim.braun at librestream.com
Thu Mar 27 18:03:22 CET 2008

Peter Pearse wrote:
> By coding style I mean the nasty macros, not stuff like brackets and 
> whitespace.  If the code was more readable and addressed the bus width

> differences between chips, this would probably go in quickly.  I'll
> another look to see if I can be more helpful rather than curmudgeonly.

Re: bus width differences

We've been using the lan9115 (16-bit interface) with the SMSC linux
derived driver
(patch I posted back in, uh, October 2006) and the lan9115 chip will
work correctly
with 32 bit code accesses over the 16 bit interface.

The host we're using is an RMI Au1200 which has a sensible static bus

That said, I can see that using pointer constants for register access
like this new 
code does is an issue for code portability.

Tim Braun, Sr. Des. Eng.
LibreStream Technologies
895 Waverley St., Suite 110, Winnipeg, MB  R3T 5P4

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