[U-Boot] Issues developing standalone applications

Lucas Endres luc.endres at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 21:58:45 CET 2013

Hi, I am new to U-Boot and I am trying to develop a standalone application
that accesses my board peripherals. I couldn't find any examples on how to
access my NAND device, for example, and when trying to run the same
sequence that is made in the board's initialization, I get an ** Illegal
Instruction ** error, causing the board to reboot.
I know it's an issue on the NAND initialization, but I am neither very
familiar to the U-Boot code nor to debugging errors. What follows is the
console output I get when trying to run nand_init_chip() from my standalone

NIP: 3FFDB098 XER: 20000000 LR: 00046170 REGS: 3bf4f528 TRAP: 0700 DAR:
MSR: 00029200 EE: 1 PR: 0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 00

** Illegal Instruction **
Call backtrace:
65782035 000465EC 00046668 00046764 3FF6F548 3FF6F5C8 3FF7FE44
3FF8001C 3FF62A74 3FF61630
Program Check Exception

I need to run a badblocks test on the NAND device, and I successfully do it
in the board initialization from within the U-Boot environment, but not
from the standalone environment.

I could really use some examples, but I couldn't find any online.

Thank you so much for your attention, Lucas Pereira Endres.

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