[U-Boot] [PATCH 1/3] config: introduce a generic $bootcmd

Jeroen Hofstee jeroen at myspectrum.nl
Sun Aug 10 18:53:54 CEST 2014

Hello Stephan,

On 10-08-14 05:11, Stephen Warren wrote:
> The entire point of this series is to prevent distros from having to
> install bootloader-specific boot configuration files.
I fail to see why this is something to pursue. Since the distro knows
the boot path, why should u-boot be polling all possible options?

> As such, relying exclusively on boot.scr wouldn't be useful.
Seems like a logical thing to me, as long as the scripts itself
does not have to bother about board details, but is handed
those info.
> If we need to support other OSs, I think it'd be best to extend
> extlinux.conf to allow it to support booting OSs besides Linux.
It is not an OS issue.

> FWIW, if extlinux.conf isn't found on the media, this patch does fall
> back to searching for boot.scr (a uImage of a U-Boot script) so it's
> certainly possible to make custom things happen if you want.

Yes, and the order is wrong in my mind. If anything, it should fallback
to extlinux, but at least use a general boot.scr first. (or 
or whatever)


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