[U-Boot] [PATCH 4/5] tools: add secure_boot_helper.py
Anatolij Gustschin
agust at denx.de
Thu May 11 15:14:55 UTC 2017
From: Markus Valentin <mv at denx.de>
This script should be used for simple creation of secure bootable
images for baytrail platforms
Signed-off-by: Markus Valentin <mv at denx.de>
tools/secure_boot_helper.py | 313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 313 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tools/secure_boot_helper.py
diff --git a/tools/secure_boot_helper.py b/tools/secure_boot_helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884786e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/secure_boot_helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Valentin <mv at denx.de>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ """
+import argparse
+import binascii
+from hashlib import sha256
+from os.path import basename, isfile, splitext
+from os.path import join as pjoin
+from struct import pack
+import OpenSSL
+from OpenSSL import crypto
+from cryptography import x509
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+FSP_FILE_NAME = "fsp-sb.bin"
+FSP_STAGE2_FILE_NAME = "fsp_stage2.bin"
+U_BOOT_ROM_FILE_NAME = 'u-boot.rom'
+U_BOOT_TO_SIGN_FILE_NAME = 'u-boot-to-sign.bin'
+IBB_FILE_NAME = 'ibb.bin'
+FPF_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'fpf_config.txt'
+SIGNED_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = 'signed_manifest.bin'
+OEM_FILE_NAME = 'oemdata.bin'
+OEM_PRIV_KEY_FILE_NAME = 'oemkey.pem'
+OEM_PUB_KEY_FILE_NAME = 'pub_oemkey.pem'
+OEM_PUBKEY_BIN_FILE_NAME = 'pub_oemkey.bin'
+OEM_PUBKEY_AND_SIG_FILE_NAME = 'oem_pub_sig.bin'
+FIT_PUB_KEY_FILE_NAME = "dev.crt"
+FSP_STAGE_2_SIZE = 0x1f400
+IBB_SIZE = 0x1fc00
+U_BOOT_ROM_SIZE = 0x800000
+OEM_DATA_PREAMBLE = '01000200'
+oem_data_hash_files = []
+def append_binary_files(first_file, second_file, new_file):
+ with open(new_file, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(bytearray(open(first_file, 'rb').read()))
+ f.write(bytearray(open(second_file, 'rb').read()))
+# this function creates a oemdata data block which gets constructed
+# as stated in section 3.2 of the document "Secure-Boot for Intel
+# Bay Trail based platfomrs with U-Boot"
+def assemble_oem_data(file_path):
+ file_size = 0
+ with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(binascii.unhexlify(OEM_DATA_PREAMBLE))
+ file_size += 4
+ for hash_file in oem_data_hash_files:
+ f.write(open(hash_file, 'rb').read())
+ file_size += 32
+ pad_file_with_zeros(f, OEM_BLOCK_MAX_SIZE-file_size)
+# this function creates the final u-boot-verified.rom from
+# the original u-boot.rom and the signed Initial Boot Block
+# which contains the secure boot manifest
+def assemble_secure_boot_image(u_boot_rom, signed_ibb):
+ data = bytearray(open(u_boot_rom, 'rb').read())
+ ibb = bytearray(open(signed_ibb, 'rb').read())
+ data[-(MANIFEST_SIZE+IBB_SIZE):] = ibb
+ open("u-boot-verified.rom", 'wb').write(data)
+# when calling this function it constructs a complete secure-boot manifest
+# which is just missing oem-publickey and the manifest-signature (see
+# section 3.1)
+def create_unsigned_secure_boot_manifest(unsigned_manifest,
+ oem_file='oemdata.bin',
+ ibb='ibb.bin'):
+ with open(unsigned_manifest, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(pack('i', VERSION))
+ f.write(pack('i', MANIFEST_SIZE))
+ f.write(pack('i', SECURE_VERSION_NUMBER))
+ pad_file_with_zeros(f, 4)
+ hash_function = sha256()
+ hash_function.update(bytearray(open(ibb, 'rb').read()))
+ f.write(hash_function.digest()[::-1])
+ pad_file_with_zeros(f, 36)
+ f.write(bytearray(open(oem_file, 'rb').read()))
+ pad_file_with_zeros(f, 20)
+# fetch a subpart of a binary from byte to byte and write this part to a
+# secondary file
+def extract_binary_part(binary_to_extract_from, to_file, from_byte, to_byte):
+ data = open(binary_to_extract_from, 'rb').read()
+ open(to_file, 'wb').write(data[from_byte:to_byte])
+# calculate a sha256 checksum over a file and write a file with it to a
+# file next to the original file, if given change endianness (sometimes needed
+# because the txe engine wants a other byteorder)
+def sha256_to_file(binary_dir, file_to_hash, change_endianess=False):
+ # we collect the hashes in a list(in the correct order) to be able
+ # to put them later to the oem section
+ if not oem_data_hash_files.__contains__(hashfile_path(binary_dir,
+ file_to_hash)):
+ oem_data_hash_files.append(hashfile_path(binary_dir, file_to_hash))
+ with open(file_to_hash, 'rb') as f:
+ hash_function = sha256()
+ hash_function.update(f.read())
+ # write as little to file
+ if change_endianess:
+ open(hashfile_path(binary_dir, file_to_hash),
+ 'wb').write(hash_function.digest())
+ else:
+ open(hashfile_path(binary_dir, file_to_hash),
+ 'wb').write(hash_function.digest()[::-1])
+# create hashfile name using the file-to-hash name
+def hashfile_path(binary_dir, file_to_hash):
+ hash_file_name = splitext(
+ basename(file_to_hash))[0].__add__('.sha256')
+ return pjoin(binary_dir, hash_file_name)
+# pad the given files with a given byte number of zeros
+# byte count must be dividable by 4
+def pad_file_with_zeros(file_handle, byte_count):
+ if byte_count % 4 != 0:
+ print("Given byte count is not 4-divideable exiting")
+ exit()
+ pad_count = 0
+ while pad_count < byte_count:
+ file_handle.write(pack('i', 0))
+ pad_count += 4
+# extract the modulus of a public key the txe-engine gets the publickey
+# split in modulus and exponent (for this reason we need to extract it)
+def get_modulus_from_pubkey(public_key_path):
+ public_key = open(public_key_path, 'rb').read()
+ cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(public_key, default_backend())
+ return ("%X" % (cert.public_key().public_numbers().n))
+# save a given modulus and exponent to a file as binary for use within
+# the manifest
+def save_binary_public_key(pub_key_file_path, modulus, exponent=0x10001):
+ with open(pub_key_file_path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(binascii.unhexlify(modulus)[::-1])
+ f.write(pack('i', exponent))
+# replace the public key hash in the fuse configuration text file
+# and set the lock bit
+def replace_oem_pubkey_hash(pubkey_hash, fpf_config_path, lock_fuses):
+ data = binascii.hexlify(pubkey_hash)
+ new_line_hash = "FUSE_FILE_OEM_KEY_HASH_1:{:s}:{}\n"\
+ .format(data.upper().decode('ascii'),
+ str(lock_fuses).upper())
+ new_line_sb_enabled = "FUSE_FILE_SECURE_BOOT_EN:01:{}\n"\
+ .format(str(lock_fuses).upper())
+ with open(fpf_config_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(new_line_sb_enabled)
+ f.write(new_line_hash)
+# for the txe engine one needs to change the endianness
+def reverse_endianess(file_to_reverse):
+ data = open(file_to_reverse, 'rb').read()
+ open(file_to_reverse, 'wb').write(data[::-1])
+# sign the given file with the given private key and
+# write it to the signature_file using openssl
+def sign_file(unsigned_file, private_key, signature_file):
+ key = open(private_key, 'r').read()
+ pkey_obj = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
+ data = open(unsigned_file, 'rb').read()
+ signature = OpenSSL.crypto.sign(pkey_obj, data, "sha256")
+ open(signature_file, 'wb').write(signature)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This script assembles a " +
+ "verified boot enabled u-boot using " +
+ "openssl")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--fpf-config", default="./fpf_config.txt",
+ help="Path to the fpf-config file defaults to" +
+ " ./fpf_config.txt",
+ required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("-I", "--board-dir", help="set directory to get the " +
+ " fsp and other board related files from.")
+ parser.add_argument("-b", "--binary_dir", default=".",
+ help="directory to fetch binaries from and " +
+ "save created binaries to.")
+ parser.add_argument("-k", "--key-dir", default="./mykeys",
+ help="directory to fetch keys from")
+ parser.add_argument('--lock-fuses', action='store_true',
+ help="Set this flag to configure fuses to " +
+ "lock the values")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # assemble correct paths
+ fsp = pjoin(args.board_dir, FSP_FILE_NAME)
+ fsp_stage2 = pjoin(args.board_dir, FSP_STAGE2_FILE_NAME)
+ fit_public_key = pjoin(args.key_dir, FIT_PUB_KEY_FILE_NAME)
+ fit_public_key_modulus = pjoin(args.key_dir, FIT_PUB_KEY_FILE_NAME+".mod")
+ u_boot_rom = pjoin(args.binary_dir, U_BOOT_ROM_FILE_NAME)
+ u_boot_to_sign = pjoin(args.binary_dir, U_BOOT_TO_SIGN_FILE_NAME)
+ ibb = pjoin(args.binary_dir, IBB_FILE_NAME)
+ signed_ibb = pjoin(args.binary_dir, "signed_"+IBB_FILE_NAME)
+ unsigned_manifest = pjoin(args.binary_dir, UNSIGNED_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)
+ signed_manifest = pjoin(args.binary_dir, SIGNED_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)
+ manifest_signature = pjoin(args.binary_dir, splitext(
+ __add__(".signature"))
+ oem_file = pjoin(args.binary_dir, OEM_FILE_NAME)
+ oem_private_key = pjoin(args.key_dir, OEM_PRIV_KEY_FILE_NAME)
+ oem_public_key = pjoin(args.key_dir, OEM_PUB_KEY_FILE_NAME)
+ oem_pubkey_binary = pjoin(args.key_dir, OEM_PUBKEY_BIN_FILE_NAME)
+ oem_pubkey_and_sig = pjoin(args.key_dir,
+ # check for needed files to be available
+ for f in [fsp, u_boot_rom, fit_public_key, oem_private_key]:
+ if not isfile(f):
+ print("%s not found ... exiting" % (f))
+ exit()
+ # get everything from rom-file execept IBB+Manfifest(128k) and write it to
+ # seperated file and calculate hash
+ extract_binary_part(u_boot_rom, u_boot_to_sign,
+ sha256_to_file(args.binary_dir, u_boot_to_sign, True)
+ # extract stage2 of the fsp and calculate a hash about
+ # the file
+ extract_binary_part(fsp, fsp_stage2, 0, FSP_STAGE_2_SIZE)
+ sha256_to_file(args.binary_dir, fsp_stage2)
+ with open(fit_public_key_modulus, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(binascii.unhexlify(get_modulus_from_pubkey(fit_public_key)))
+ sha256_to_file(args.binary_dir, fit_public_key_modulus, True)
+ # assemble oemdata
+ print("Assembling oem data from %d hashes: \n %s" %
+ (oem_data_hash_files.__len__(), oem_data_hash_files))
+ assemble_oem_data(oem_file)
+ print("Extracting last 127K:\n from %s as %s"
+ % (u_boot_rom, ibb))
+ extract_binary_part(u_boot_rom, ibb,
+ print("Creating Secure Boot Manifest")
+ create_unsigned_secure_boot_manifest(unsigned_manifest,
+ oem_file,
+ ibb)
+ print("Signing manifest with openssl and private key %s"
+ % (oem_private_key))
+ sign_file(unsigned_manifest, oem_private_key, manifest_signature)
+ print("Append public key and signature to unsigned Manifest")
+ oem_pub_key_modulus = get_modulus_from_pubkey(oem_public_key)
+ save_binary_public_key(oem_pubkey_binary, oem_pub_key_modulus)
+ reverse_endianess(manifest_signature)
+ append_binary_files(oem_pubkey_binary, manifest_signature,
+ oem_pubkey_and_sig)
+ append_binary_files(unsigned_manifest, oem_pubkey_and_sig,
+ signed_manifest)
+ hash_function = sha256()
+ hash_function.update(bytearray(open(oem_pubkey_binary, 'rb').read()))
+ replace_oem_pubkey_hash(hash_function.digest()[::-1], args.fpf_config,
+ args.lock_fuses)
+ print("Append manifest with signature to ibb")
+ append_binary_files(signed_manifest, ibb, signed_ibb)
+ print("Assemble u-boot-verified.rom from:\n %s and %s"
+ % (u_boot_rom, signed_manifest))
+ assemble_secure_boot_image(u_boot_rom, signed_ibb)
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