[U-Boot] ROCK64 fails to boot using U-Boot TPL

Simon South simon at simonsouth.net
Tue Sep 24 18:50:58 UTC 2019

On 2019-09-24 2:35 p.m., Matwey V. Kornilov wrote> How do you take 
NetBSD image?
I've been building my own images from NetBSD-CURRENT, following the 
guides [1][2].

There was until recently a buffer-alignment issue in NetBSD's EFI 
bootloader that prevented it from working with the current version of 
U-Boot, but a fix has been committed so something like the following 
should now work, without patching:

     cd /usr/src  # or $HOME/netbsd/usr/src, etc.
     cvs update -A -dP -C -D '20190922 1140Z'
     ./build.sh -U -u -m evbarm64 release

Then write the resulting image to a microSD card with

     zcat obj/releasedir/evbarm/binary/gzimg/arm64.img.gz | sudo dd 
bs=32768 of=/dev/mmcblk0 skip=512 seek=512

and build and install U-Boot as in my previous email.

[1] https://netbsd.org/docs/current/index.html
[2] https://netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-build.html

Simon South
simon at simonsouth.net

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