NanoPi-M4 boot issue

Trevor Woerner twoerner at
Sat Feb 15 07:16:36 CET 2020


I'm trying to build an image for a NanoPi-M4 but it is not able to get out of
TPL. The U-Boot build seems to be constructing the idbloader.img properly, but
the board is failing to boot. Note that this is an original NanoPi-M4 (i.e.
V1) and not the NanoPi-M4V2.

>From the build log:
	cat tpl/u-boot-tpl-nodtb.bin tpl/u-boot-tpl.dtb > tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin
	cp tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin
	./tools/mkimage -n "rk3399" -T rksd -d tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin tpl/u-boot-tpl-rockchip.bin
	cat spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin spl/u-boot-spl.dtb > spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin
	cp spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin
	cat tpl/u-boot-tpl-rockchip.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin > idbloader.img

What I get on the console is:

	U-Boot TPL 2020.04-rc2 (Feb 15 2020 - 05:36:59)
	sdram_init: LPDDR3 - 933MHz failed!
	rk3399_dmc_init DRAM init failed -22
	Missing DTB

It's strange that it says the DTB is missing clearly shows the DTB versions of
TPL and SPL being used to create the idbloader.img.

In any case, is anyone building and booting U-Boot master for NanoPi-M4?

Best regards,

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