[PATCH 144/149] CI: Replace unmigrated symbol test with non-Kconfig introduction test

Tom Rini trini at konsulko.com
Sun Dec 4 16:14:15 CET 2022

Now that all symbols have been migrated to Kconfig, or are part of the
CFG namespace we do not need a complex check for unmigrated CONFIG
symbols. Any instance of #define (or #undef) or a CONFIG value is wrong,
so cause CI to fail.

This test is not as strict as possible yet as we have more symbols that
were not previously caught to deal with.

Signed-off-by: Tom Rini <trini at konsulko.com>
 .azure-pipelines.yml | 31 ++++++-------------------------
 .gitlab-ci.yml       | 28 +++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.azure-pipelines.yml b/.azure-pipelines.yml
index add8847225f0..e102f6bf2af8 100644
--- a/.azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/.azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -53,37 +53,18 @@ stages:
             -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
         displayName: 'Perform tools-only build'
-  - job: check_for_migrated_symbols_in_board_header
-    displayName: 'Check for migrated symbols in board header'
+  - job: check_for_new_CONFIG_symbols_outside_Kconfig
+    displayName: 'Check for new CONFIG symbols outside Kconfig'
       vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
       image: $(ci_runner_image)
       options: $(container_option)
-      - script: |
-          KSYMLST=`mktemp`
-          KUSEDLST=`mktemp`
-          RET=0
-          cat `find . -name "Kconfig*"` | \
-             sed -n -e 's/^\s*config *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p' \
-             -e 's/^\s*menuconfig *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p' \
-             | sort -u > $KSYMLST
-          for CFG in `find include/configs -name "*.h"`; do
-             (grep '#define[[:blank:]]CONFIG_' $CFG | \
-                sed -n 's/#define.\(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p' ; \
-                grep '#undef[[:blank:]]CONFIG_' $CFG | \
-                sed -n 's/#undef.\(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p') | \
-                sort -u > ${KUSEDLST} || true
-             NUM=`comm -123 --total --output-delimiter=, ${KSYMLST} ${KUSEDLST} | \
-                cut -d , -f 3`
-             if [[ $NUM -ne 0 ]]; then
-                echo "Unmigrated symbols found in $CFG:"
-                comm -12 ${KSYMLST} ${KUSEDLST}
-                RET=1
-             fi
-          done
-          exit $RET
+      # If grep succeeds and finds a match the test fails as we should
+      # have no matches.
+      - script: git grep -E '^#[[:blank:]]*(define|undef)[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_' \
+                  include/configs `find arch -name config.h` && exit 1 || exit 0
   - job: cppcheck
     displayName: 'Static code analysis with cppcheck'
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 91d5e0c4a8c8..f84d08a729e1 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -124,31 +124,13 @@ build all other platforms:
         exit $ret;
-check for migrated symbols in board header:
+check for new CONFIG symbols outside Kconfig:
   stage: testsuites
-    - KSYMLST=`mktemp`;
-      KUSEDLST=`mktemp`;
-      RET=0;
-      cat `find . -name "Kconfig*"` |
-         sed -n -e 's/^\s*config *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p'
-         -e 's/^\s*menuconfig *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p'
-         | sort -u > $KSYMLST;
-      for CFG in `find include/configs -name "*.h"`; do
-         (grep '#define[[:blank:]]CONFIG_' $CFG |
-            sed -n 's/#define.\(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p' ;
-            grep '#undef[[:blank:]]CONFIG_' $CFG |
-            sed -n 's/#undef.\(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p') |
-            sort -u > ${KUSEDLST} || true;
-         NUM=`comm -123 --total --output-delimiter=, ${KSYMLST} ${KUSEDLST} |
-            cut -d , -f 3`;
-         if [[ $NUM -ne 0 ]]; then
-            echo "Unmigrated symbols found in $CFG:";
-            comm -12 ${KSYMLST} ${KUSEDLST};
-            RET=1;
-         fi;
-      done;
-      exit $RET
+    # If grep succeeds and finds a match the test fails as we should
+    # have no matches.
+    - git grep -E '^#[[:blank:]]*(define|undef)[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_'
+        include/configs `find arch -name config.h` && exit 1 || exit 0
 # QA jobs for code analytics
 # static code analysis with cppcheck (we can add --enable=all later)

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