[PATCH v1] usb: xhci: Check return value of wait for TRB_TRANSFER event

Minda Chen minda.chen at starfivetech.com
Wed Oct 18 12:16:18 CEST 2023

On 2023/10/18 18:11, Marek Vasut wrote:
> On 10/18/23 05:46, Minda Chen wrote:
>> On 2023/10/18 10:35, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>> On 10/18/23 03:22, Minda Chen wrote:
>>>> On 2023/10/17 19:20, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>>> On 10/17/23 08:20, Minda Chen wrote:
>>>>>> xhci_wait_for_event() waiting TRB_TRANSFER event may return
>>>>>> NULL. Checking the return value to avoid crash.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Minda Chen <minda.chen at starfivetech.com>
>>>>> How did you trigger this error ? Is there a reproducer ? Details please ...
>>>> While Scanning a lenovo usb2.0 udisk, not 100 % reproduce
>>> Can you include Linux
>>> lsusb -vvv
>>> output for this device and include that information in the commit message ? (or the U-Boot info below, that works too, just please add it into the commit message, it is important for future reference).
>> OK, I will add lsusb -vvv Linux udisk message and crash dump info to commit message
> Thank you
>>>> This is log.
>>>> StarFive # usb reset
>>>> resetting USB...
>>>> Bus xhci_pci: Register 5000420 NbrPorts 5
>>>> Starting the controller
>>>> USB XHCI 1.00
>>>> scanning bus xhci_pci for devices... WARN halted endpoint, queueing URB anyway.
>>>> Unexpected XHCI event TRB, skipping... (f77141f0 00000000 13000000 02008401)
>>>> Unhandled exception: Load access fault
>>>> EPC: 00000000f7f563c6 RA: 00000000f7f563c6 TVAL: 000000000000000c
>>>> EPC: 000000004024a3c6 RA: 000000004024a3c6 reloc adjusted
>>> Where does the crash point to in code, can you disassemble the PC pointer ? (or maybe you can use scripts/decodecode I think)
>> OK, I will add EPC pointer disassemble  to commit message
> This part probably doesn't need to be in the commit message. I'd like to know where the crash occurred in the code.

000000004024a376 <abort_td>:
    4024a376:   7179                    addi    sp,sp,-48
    4024a378:   f406                    sd      ra,40(sp)
    4024a37a:   f022                    sd      s0,32(sp)
    4024a37c:   ec26                    sd      s1,24(sp)
    4024a37e:   e84a                    sd      s2,16(sp)
    4024a380:   e44e                    sd      s3,8(sp)
    4024a382:   e052                    sd      s4,0(sp)
    4024a384:   89ae                    mv      s3,a1
    4024a386:   84aa                    mv      s1,a0
        struct xhci_ctrl *ctrl = xhci_get_ctrl(udev);
    4024a388:   8c4fe0ef                jal     ra,4024844c <xhci_get_ctrl>
        struct xhci_ring *ring =  ctrl->devs[udev->slot_id]->eps[ep_index].ring;
    4024a38c:   6785                    lui     a5,0x1
    4024a38e:   94be                    add     s1,s1,a5
    4024a390:   9444a603                lw      a2,-1724(s1)
    4024a394:   00198713                addi    a4,s3,1
    4024a398:   0712                    slli    a4,a4,0x4
    4024a39a:   02061793                slli    a5,a2,0x20
    4024a39e:   9381                    srli    a5,a5,0x20
    4024a3a0:   07c9                    addi    a5,a5,18
    4024a3a2:   078e                    slli    a5,a5,0x3
    4024a3a4:   97aa                    add     a5,a5,a0
    4024a3a6:   679c                    ld      a5,8(a5)
        xhci_queue_command(ctrl, NULL, udev->slot_id, ep_index, TRB_STOP_RING);
    4024a3a8:   2981                    sext.w  s3,s3
    4024a3aa:   86ce                    mv      a3,s3
        struct xhci_ring *ring =  ctrl->devs[udev->slot_id]->eps[ep_index].ring;
    4024a3ac:   97ba                    add     a5,a5,a4
        xhci_queue_command(ctrl, NULL, udev->slot_id, ep_index, TRB_STOP_RING);
    4024a3ae:   4581                    li      a1,0
    4024a3b0:   473d                    li      a4,15
        struct xhci_ring *ring =  ctrl->devs[udev->slot_id]->eps[ep_index].ring;
    4024a3b2:   0087ba03                ld      s4,8(a5) # 1008 <_start-0x401feff8>
        struct xhci_ctrl *ctrl = xhci_get_ctrl(udev);
    4024a3b6:   842a                    mv      s0,a0
        xhci_queue_command(ctrl, NULL, udev->slot_id, ep_index, TRB_STOP_RING);
    4024a3b8:   d75ff0ef                jal     ra,4024a12c <xhci_queue_command>
        event = xhci_wait_for_event(ctrl, TRB_TRANSFER);
    4024a3bc:   02000593                li      a1,32
    4024a3c0:   8522                    mv      a0,s0
    4024a3c2:   ebdff0ef                jal     ra,4024a27e <xhci_wait_for_event>
        field = le32_to_cpu(event->trans_event.flags);
epc-> 4024a3c6:   455c                    lw      a5,12(a0)         
        BUG_ON(TRB_TO_SLOT_ID(field) != udev->slot_id);
    4024a3c8:   9444a703                lw      a4,-1724(s1)
        field = le32_to_cpu(event->trans_event.flags);
    4024a3cc:   0007891b                sext.w  s2,a5

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