Several potential vulnerabilities in the filesystem

jianqiang wang wjq.sec at
Wed Jun 5 13:00:22 CEST 2024


I do have the crafted image.

payload_00500, payload_00763, payload_00846 can be used to reproduce
1,2,3 vulnerabilities respectively.

Each image is a hard drive file and the vulnerabilities can be
triggered by performing the following operations:

    struct udevice *dev;
    uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_IDE, &dev);  //detect the block device

    fs_set_blk_dev("ide","0:1", 0);
    fs_ls("/");   //mount the first partition and list the root directory files

    fs_set_blk_dev("ide","0:1", 0);
    char buf[10];
    buf[0] = 0;
    buf[1] = 0;
    buf[2] = 0;
    buf[3] = 0;
    loff_t actread = 0;
    fs_read("/a.txt", (ulong)buf, 0, 5, &actread);
    printf("fd actread %lld %x %x %x\n",actread,buf[0],buf[1],buf[2]);
 read the /a.txt file

    fs_set_blk_dev("ide","0:1", 0);
    fs_read("/a.txt.ln", (ulong)buf, 0, 5, &actread);
    printf("fd actread %lld %x %x %x\n",actread,buf[0],buf[1],buf[2]);
 read the /a.txt.ln symbol file

    fs_set_blk_dev("ide","0:1", 0);
    fs_unlink("/a.txt.ln");  //unlink it

The second and third may not trigger a crash however, can be observed
by inserting logging before the memset/memcpy function.

Best regards

Gao Xiang <hsiangkao at> 于2024年6月5日周三 05:10写道:
> On 2024/6/5 06:53, jianqiang wang wrote:
> > Hi Das U-Boot developers,
> >
> ...
> >
> > 2. in file fs/erofs/data.c, function z_erofs_read_one_data, the node
> > data is read from the storage, however, without a proper check, the
> > data can be corrupted. For example, the inode data is used in function
> > z_erofs_read_data, map.m_llen will be calculated to a very large
> > value, which means the length variable will be very large. It will
> > cause a large memory clear with memset(buffer + end - offset, 0,
> > length);
> Would you mind giving a reproducer or a crafted image to trigger
> this?  Or it's your pure observation.
> Thanks,
> Gao XIang
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