[U-Boot-Users] RTL8138DL EEPROM contents.

Herb Radford hradford at symbium.com
Wed Jun 1 21:48:59 CEST 2005

We're using an RTL8139DL chip on our board and I need to fill the EEPROM
on the 8139 with a default set of values.
The "twister" parameters (TW_PARM_U/T) and Phy parameters
(PHY1/2_PARM_T) are particularly problematic and worrisome.

I've sent off a request to Realtek but I'm not holding my breath for a
quick response.

Does anyone perhaps have a default set (preferably a reliable set, not
just a guess) that they would be willing to share? We did dump the
contents from an 8139 NIC EEPROM, but there's no assurance that they are
even close.

Regards, Herb
hradford at symbium.com

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