[U-Boot-Users] mkimage

KokHow Teh KokHow.Teh at marconi.com
Tue Jun 28 12:05:32 CEST 2005

      I am new to mkimage. I have an image with an entry at 0x00100004. I
`mkimage` it with the following details:

[teh at ShrekII tftpboot 75]$ mkimage -l  uImage
Image Name:   psos
Created:      Tue Jun 28 17:53:24 2005
Image Type:   PowerPC pSOS Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size:    593268 Bytes = 579.36 kB = 0.57 MB
Load Address: 0x00100000
Entry Point:  0x00100004
[teh at ShrekII tftpboot 76]$

      Then I `tftp` it into my target, examine the memory contents.

u-boot> tftp 100000 uImage
Using FCC2 ETHERNET device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'uImage'.
Load address: 0x100000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 593332 (90db4 hex)
u-boot> md 100000
00100000: 27051956 ba54f4c3 42c11e14 00090d74    '..V.T..B......t
00100010: 00100000 00100004 040da48f 0f070200    ................
00100020: 70736f73 00000000 00000000 00000000    psos............
00100030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
00100040: 7c631b78 7c631b78 3c400019 3842b234    |c.x|c.x<@..8B.4
00100050: 3da0001a 39ad8d50 7c6000a6 5463045e    =...9..P|`..Tc.^
00100070: 3c400019 3842b234 3da0001a 39ad8d50    <@..8B.4=...9..P
00100080: 4e800020 80430000 81a30004 4e800020    N.. .C......N..
00100090: 00100470 7d6802a6 91610004 44000002    ...p}h...a..D...
001000a0: 4e800020 28030000 40820008 48022c3c    N.. (... at ...H.,<
001000b0: 7d6324aa 7d635b78 48022c30 38000001    }c$.}c[xH.,08...
001000c0: 4bffffe4 38000002 4bffffdc 60842000    K...8...K...`. .
001000d0: 38000003 48022c14 38000004 48022c0c    8...H.,.8...H.,.
001000e0: 38000005 48022c04 38000006 48022bfc    8...H.,.8...H.+.
001000f0: 38000007 48022bf4 38000008 48022bec    8...H.+.8...H.+.
u-boot> imi

## Checking Image at 00100000 ...
   Image Name:   psos
   Image Type:   PowerPC Unknown OS Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    593268 Bytes = 579.4 kB
   Load Address: 00100000
   Entry Point:  00100004
   Verifying Checksum ... OK

      Content of my original executable image:
hello:     file format elf32-powerpc

Disassembly of section .DAE_exp:
Disassembly of section .IAE_exp:
Disassembly of section .RST_exp:
Disassembly of section .text:

00100000 <_START-0x4>:
  100000:       7c 63 1b 78     mr      r3,r3

00100004 <_START>:
  100004:       7c 63 1b 78     mr      r3,r3
  100008:       3c 40 00 19     lis     r2,25
  10000c:       38 42 b2 34     addi    r2,r2,-19916
  100010:       3d a0 00 1a     lis     r13,26
  100014:       39 ad 8d 50     addi    r13,r13,-29360
  100018:       7c 60 00 a6     mfmsr   r3
  10001c:       54 63 04 5e     rlwinm  r3,r3,0,17,15
  100020:       7c 60 01 24     mtmsr   r3
  100024:       48 00 64 3c     b       106460 <HdwInit>

      It crashes when I `bootm 100000`. Here is my question. The original
ELF executable image has the entry point at 0x00100004. After `mkimage` and
having examined the content of the memory, I find out that the content
which were at the original entry point has been shifted to 0x00100040.
Would that be the cause of the crash? I assume that the "-e" option to
mkimage is the entry point of the original executable which is 0x00100004?

      Any comment is appreciated.


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