[ELDK] Using ELDK with Eclipse IDE

Robert McCullough rob at promessdev.com
Thu Feb 7 18:07:20 CET 2008

Hi all,

Thanks Mike for your guide it was very helpful.
I got my project ported to Eclipse and working with ELDK-4.1.

Has anyone created or tried to create a new tool-chain definition for the
ELDK for the Eclipse CDT Managed Build System through the buildDefinitions
extension point?

Best regards, 
Robert McCullough
Senior Software Engineer 
Promess Incorporated
11429 Grand River Road
Brighton, Michigan  48116
Email:  mailto://rob@promessdev.com
Web:  http://promessinc.com
Tel:  (810) 229-9334
Fax:  (810) 229-8125

  --> -----Original Message-----
  --> From: eldk-bounces at lists.denx.de [mailto:eldk-bounces at lists.denx.de]
  --> On Behalf Of Michael Walton
  --> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:34 AM
  --> To: eldk at lists.denx.de
  --> Subject: [ELDK] Using ELDK with Eclipse IDE
  --> Hi all
  --> I've been using various ELDK versions with various Eclipse versions
  --> for
  --> several years now. It integrates very easily, and provides the
  --> following
  --> features that I find useful:
  -->  - C/C++ indexing, cross-referencing, syntax highlighting, completion
  --> etc.
  -->  - build, parse the error output and mark up the source code with the
  --> error/warning messages
  -->  - cross debug using gdbserver, with full source code integration
  --> The only problem I've struggled with is the thread awareness during
  --> debugging. It seems to be broken on certain Eclipse versions (e.g.
  --> Europa).
  --> Basic steps I use to get this working are:
  --> 1. Get a current version of Eclipse with CDT (C/C++ Development Tools)
  --> 2. Run Eclipse from your normal ELDK shell environment - i.e. with
  --> CROSS_COMPILE and PATH set up correctly
  --> 3. Create a C project in Eclipse, accepting the defaults, pointing to
  --> an
  --> existing source tree
  --> 4. Edit the project properties as required:
  -->   a) change the C/C++ Build->Builder settings (typically you would
  --> uncheck
  --> "Generate Makefiles automatically" and enter the required Build
  --> directory)
  -->   b) change the Tool settings if required, from native compilers to
  --> cross-compilers (I use a hand-coded Makefile, so I don't have to set
  --> up the
  --> compilers etc.)
  -->   c) (optional) change the Includes (under Paths and Symbols) - this
  --> helps
  --> the indexer work correctly
  --> 5. You should now be able build a project from the IDE via its
  --> Makefile
  --> 6. To debug
  -->   a) deploy the binary on the target (I use NFS)
  -->   b) run the binary under gdbserver on the target
  -->   c) create a new C/C++ Local Application debug configuration in
  --> Eclipse
  -->   d) in the Debugger tab select gdbserver, enter the required gdb tool
  --> (e.g.
  --> ppc_85xx-gdb)
  -->   e) in the Connection tab (under the Debugger tab), set up TCP or
  --> serial
  --> remote gdbserver connection to the target
  -->   f) launch the new Debug configuration - it should connect to the
  --> waiting
  --> gdbserver and take over control of the target
  --> Note: these are just the basics, there are many possible pitfalls
  --> along the
  --> way - but in my experience it is a worthwhile exercise for those of
  --> you out
  --> there who, like me, are not vi/emacs gurus.
  --> Regards
  --> Mike Walton
  --> Far South Networks
  --> www.farsouthnet.com
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  --> eldk mailing list
  --> eldk at lists.denx.de
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