[ELDK] Add package
yel_yahc at etud.insa-toulouse.fr
Mon Apr 26 17:33:51 CEST 2010
> You probably want to look in the Root File system Builder (RFSB); see
> http://git.denx.de/?p=rfsb.git;a=summary
I tried to build my RF with RFSB, I set my PATH to
/home/user/eldk/usr/bin:/home/user/eldk/bin and my CROSS_COMPILE to
ppc_6xx- when i compile i get this problem :
Current target list is /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/images/image.ext2
Cleaning /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build
Populating /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build with directories
Using SELF skeleton from 'config/skeleton/self' to populate file system
2 blocks
4400 blocks
Creating busybox symlinks
Warning: renaming conflicting binary to /usr/bin/clear.nonbb
Warning: renaming conflicting binary to /usr/bin/reset.nonbb
Warning: renaming conflicting binary to /usr/bin/strings.nonbb
Warning: renaming conflicting binary to /usr/bin/tftp.nonbb
make pkgs
Current target list is /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/images/image.ext2
make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb »
make[1]: Rien à faire pour « pkgs ».
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb »
touch status/stamp.custom-pkgs
Copying files from custom/rootfs
1 block
Adding dependency libraries
752 blocks
date > /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/rootfs/etc/build-date
Generating ext2 image
rm -f /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/images/image.ext2
genext2fs -i 600 -d /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/rootfs -b 5120 -D
config/rootfs_devices.tab /home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/images/image.ext2
genext2fs: couldn't allocate a block (no free space)
make: *** [/home/yem/Bureau/rfsb/build/images/image.ext2] Erreur 1
Any solution?
Best regards,
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