[ELDK] RE : RE : RE : RE : How can I build agin the toolchain ? (ELDK)
Marie Reine SARAZIN
mr.sarazin at actiasodielec.fr
Thu Sep 2 09:21:06 CEST 2010
Dear Wolfgang,
>I decided running again ELDK_BUILD, after having replaced the gcc package in tarballs with the modifications
>from the patch and after having deleted the lines after crosstool line in cpkgs.lst and the lines after gcc line in
>tpkgs.lst (I am lucky that crosstool is number 4 over 17 in cpkgs.lst and gcc is number 10 over 153 in tpkgs.lst).
This way is not working as it fails at step trg.8 (readline package)
"FATAL ERROR: Autoconf version 2.50 or higher is required for this script"
autoconf is the number 12 of the cpkgs list and I decided not building it...
So theorically, the best way to rebuild gcc would be :
using ELDK_BUILD after having modified only the tpkgs.lst file (deleting the lines after the gcc line (number 10) and after having modified the variable TARGET_CPU_FAMILY_LIST with the CPU you want.
I did it but unfortunately I had a new kind of error...
root at alberix:~# mount -t nfs /mnt/eldk/
mount.nfs: /mnt/eldk is busy or already mounted
root at alberix:~# ssh builder at
builder at's password:
Last login: Fri Aug 27 16:11:40 2010 from
-> su
-> export TARGET_CPU_FAMILY_LIST="6xx"
-> cd /opt/eldk/build
## Build of ppc-2010-09-01 starting at Wed Sep 1 10:39:31 MEST 2010
## Copy build files
## Installing sources for autoconf-2.61-8.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for automake-1.10-5.src.rpm
## Installing sources for bison-2.3-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libtool-1.5.22-11.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for make-3.81-6.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mtd-utils-1.0.1-2.fc6.src.rpm
## Installing sources for rpm-4.4.2-46.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for sed-4.1.5-7.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for texinfo-4.8-15.src.rpm
## Installing sources for acl-2.2.47-3.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for attr-2.4.43-2.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for autoconf-2.61-8.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for bash-3.2-9.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for bc-1.06-33.fc9.src.rpm
## Installing sources for bind-9.4.1-8.P1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for boa-0.94.14-0.10.rc21.fc9.src.rpm
## Installing sources for byacc-1.9.20070509-4.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for bzip2-1.0.5-3.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ccid-1.3.8-1.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for chkconfig-1.3.38-1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for coreutils-6.9-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for cpio-2.9.90-2.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for cracklib-2.8.9-10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for crda-1.1.1_2009.11.25-2.fc13.src.rpm
## Installing sources for curl-7.19.4-3.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-6.src.rpm
## Installing sources for db4-4.5.20-5.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for device-mapper-1.02.17-7.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for dhcp-3.0.5-38.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for diffutils-2.8.1-16.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for directfb-1.0.0-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for dosfstools-2.11-8.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for e2fsprogs-1.39-11.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ethtool-6-2.20090115git.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for expat-2.0.1-5.src.rpm
## Installing sources for file-4.21-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for findutils-4.2.29-2.src.rpm
## Installing sources for flex-2.5.35-2.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for freetype-2.3.4-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ftp-0.17-48.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for gawk-3.1.5-15.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for glib-1.2.10-26.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for glib2-2.12.13-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for gmp-4.1.4-12.3.src.rpm
## Installing sources for grep-2.5.1-57.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for groff-
## Installing sources for gzip-1.3.12-8.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for hdparm-8.6-1.fc9.src.rpm
## Installing sources for httpd-2.2.4-4.1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for initscripts-8.54.1-1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for iproute-2.6.20-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for iptables-1.3.7-2.src.rpm
## Installing sources for iputils-20070202-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for iw-0.9.19-1.fc13.src.rpm
## Installing sources for kbd-1.12-22.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for krb5-1.6.1-2.1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for less-424-1.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libcap-1.10-29.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libnl-1.1-8.fc12.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libpng-1.2.16-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libtermcap-2.0.8-46.1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libtirpc-0.1.7-7.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libtool-1.5.22-11.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libusb-0.1.12-7.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libuser-0.56.2-1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for libxml2-2.6.29-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for logrotate-3.7.5-3.1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for lrzsz-0.12.20-24.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for lsof-4.80-2.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for lvm2-2.02.24-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for m4-1.4.8-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mailcap-2.1.23-1.fc6.src.rpm
## Installing sources for make-3.81-6.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for MAKEDEV-3.24-1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for man-1.6e-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mdadm-2.6.2-4.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mingetty-1.07-5.2.2.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mktemp-1.5-25.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for module-init-tools-3.3-0.pre11.1.0.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for mtd-utils-1.0.1-2.fc6.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ncompress-4.2.4-49.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ncurses-5.6-6.20070303.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for net-snmp-5.4-14.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for net-tools-1.60-82.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for newt-0.52.6-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for nfs-utils-1.1.0-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for ntp-4.2.4p2-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for openldap-2.3.34-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for openssl-0.9.8g-12.fc10.src.rpm
## Installing sources for oprofile-0.9.2-8.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for pam-
## Installing sources for passwd-0.74-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for patch-2.5.4-29.2.2.src.rpm
## Installing sources for pciutils-2.2.4-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for pcmciautils-014-9.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for pcre-7.0-2.src.rpm
## Installing sources for pcsc-lite-1.3.3-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for perl-5.8.8-18.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for postgresql-8.2.4-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for procps-3.2.7-14.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for psmisc-22.3-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for rdate-1.4-6.src.rpm
## Installing sources for readline-5.2-4.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for rpcbind-0.1.4-6.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for rpm-4.4.2-46.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for rsh-0.17-40.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for screen-4.0.3-5.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for sed-4.1.5-7.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for setup-2.6.4-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for shadow-utils-
## Installing sources for slang-2.0.7-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for strace-4.5.15-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for sysfsutils-2.1.0-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for sysklogd-1.4.2-9.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for sysvinit-2.86-17.src.rpm
## Installing sources for tar-1.15.1-26.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for tcp_wrappers-7.6-48.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for telnet-0.17-38.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for termcap-5.5-1.20060701.1.src.rpm
## Installing sources for tftp-0.42-4.src.rpm
## Installing sources for thttpd-2.25b-13.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for time-1.7-29.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for udev-106-4.1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for unixODBC-2.2.12-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for unzip-5.52-4.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for util-linux-2.13-0.52.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for vim-7.1.12-1.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for vixie-cron-4.1-82.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for vsftpd-2.0.5-16.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for which-2.16-8.src.rpm
## Installing sources for wireless-tools-28-4.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for wpa_supplicant-0.6.8-8.fc13.src.rpm
## Installing sources for xinetd-2.3.14-12.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for zip-2.31-3.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing sources for zlib-1.2.3-10.fc7.src.rpm
## tarballs:
## Installing tarball sources for genext2fs-1.4.1.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for ldd-0.1.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for cramfs-1.1.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for u-boot-2008.10.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for gcc-4.2.2.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for binutils-2.17.90.tar.bz2
## Installing sources for glibc-2.6-4.src.rpm
## Installing tarball sources for glibc-ports-2.6.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for linux-2.6-denx.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for crosstool-0.43.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for uClibc-0.9.27.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for gettext-0.15.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for libiconv-1.11.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for beecrypt-4.1.2.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for neon-0.24.7.tar.gz
## Installing sources for sed-4.1.4-1.src.rpm
## Installing tarball sources for gcc-4.2.2.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for binutils-2.17.90.tar.bz2
## Installing sources for glibc-2.6-4.src.rpm
## Installing tarball sources for glibc-ports-2.6.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for linux-2.6-denx.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for crosstool-0.43.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for uClibc-0.9.27.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for gettext-0.15.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for libiconv-1.11.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for SELF.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for binutils-2.17.90.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for eldk_cracklib_dicts_be.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for eldk_cracklib_dicts_le.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for dropbear-0.50.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for gcc-4.2.2.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for linux-2.6-denx.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for microwindows-fonts-0.91.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for microwindows-src-0.91.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for popt-1.12.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for netkit-routed-0.17.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for netkit-rsh-0.17-pre20000412.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for u-boot-2008.10.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for wu-ftpd-2.6.2.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for appweb-src-2.2.2-5.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for beecrypt-4.1.2.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for neon-0.24.7.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for busybox-1.7.1.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for xenomai-2.4.2.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for dtc-20070802.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for dtc-20070802.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for iscsitarget-0.4.15.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for open-iscsi-2.0-865.15.tar.gz
## Installing tarball sources for xdd65.013007.tgz
## Installing tarball sources for duma_2_5_8.tar.gz
## Installing sources for iptables-1.3.8-2.fc8.src.rpm
## Installing tarball sources for gdb-6.7.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for gdb-6.7.tar.bz2
## Installing sources for elfutils-0.128-2.fc7.src.rpm
## Installing tarball sources for ltp-full-20080131.tgz
## Installing tarball sources for Python-2.5.1.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for elocaledef_20070513.tar.bz2
## Installing tarball sources for smartmontools-5.38.tar.gz
## Installing sources for ppp-2.4.4-7.fc9.src.rpm
# Running build script step "rpm" in "/opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01" directory
+ /opt/eldk/build/build.sh -a ppc -v 4.2 -n 2010-09-01 -p /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01 -r /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/results -w /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/work rpm
## Building "2010-09-01" for architecture "ppc" step rpm
---- Step 'rpm' started at Wed Sep 1 11:33:06 MEST 2010 ----
+ mkdir -p /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/cross_rpms/rpm/BUILD
++ mktemp -d /var/tmp/eldk.XXXXXX
+ tmpdir=/var/tmp/eldk.SJWw8t
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ trap 'rm -rf /var/tmp/eldk.SJWw8t' 0 1 2 3 15
+ rpmbuild -bc --nodeps --define '_topdir /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/cross_rpms/rpm' --define '_targetarch ppc' --buildroot=/var/tmp/eldk.SJWw8t /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/cross_rpms/rpm/SPECS/rpm.spec
error: Bad owner/group: /opt/eldk/build/ppc-2010-09-01/cross_rpms/rpm/SOURCES/rpm-4.4.2-addlibs.patch
+ '[' 1 '!=' 0 ']'
+ return 1
+ exit 1
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/eldk.SJWw8t
+ exit 1
+ rm -fr /tmp/pkg.2498
I logued in root as there are problems of mkdir when I do not do it (cannot create directories).
I do not really understand, I made exactly the same command lines as the first time I used ELDK_BUILD and it failed at the step trg.76.
When I build directly from Qemu, I got exactly the same error.
I could maybe use a clean root image and re do it once again properly but I would loose one day making again the procedure of creating the system file, copying again the tarballs, SRPMS, build directories...
So do you know what is wrong ?
Best Regards
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