[ELDK] ISSUE: core-image-lsb-sdk.bb, do_rootfs

Lorenzo Petroli lpetroli at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 04:06:25 CET 2012

Hi there!

After quite some time trying to build a generic-mips-softfloat image (I
made my own scripts for mips softfloat), I think I am almost there.
However, while executing TASK 5079 of 5081, it fails to find libstdc++.

Can you help me with that?

Of course there are lots of things i can tell about this issue.

1º) This is the command line I typed to build the images (it helps you
understand what type of configuration I have):
MACHINE=generic-mips-softfloat IMAGES="core-image-lsb-sdk"

2º) For some reason that I don't understand, libstdc++.so* are installed at
{anything}/usr/lib/*nof* instead of just {anything}/usr/lib. What is this
nof concept anyway?
2.1º) During build, many packets looked for libstdc++ at {sysroot}/usr/lib.
So I manually created symlinks for libstdc++ there.
2.2º) I really suspect that's the problem. But since I have no knowledge so
far of why there's this NOF subdir, I am not confident on how to properly
solve the problem.

3º) I have attached to this email the log file about the error. Hope you
find it useful.

In summary, I would appreciate if you could help me solve the problem, and
teach me about this NOF subdir, why it is there, and so on.

Thank you very much guys.

Looking forward to task 5081 of 5081 ;o)

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