[ELDK] ERROR: The function perf_feature_enabled defined in perf-features.inc was already declared in perf.inc.

Larry Baker baker at usgs.gov
Mon Aug 19 08:25:52 CEST 2013

I'm getting an error about 40% of the way through the initial bitbake "Parsing recipes" step:

> ERROR: The function perf_feature_enabled defined in perf-features.inc was already declared in perf.inc. BitBake has a global python function namespace so shared functions should be declared in a common include file rather than being duplicated, or if the functions are different, please use different function names.

I have attached a screen capture of the first few steps of "MACHINE=generic-armv5te bitbake -k core-image-basic".

I am concerned because there is a difference in the perf_feature_enabled function in the two files cited:

> [baker at lenovo eldk]$ diff /opt/git/eldk/meta-eldk/recipes-kernel/perf/perf.inc /opt/git/eldk/meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf-features.inc
> 1c1
> ---
> > PERF_FEATURES_ENABLE ?= "perf-scripting perf-tui"

I do not know what difference this can make.

The perf.inc file under meta-eldk is not visible until after a "git checkout eldk-5.4".

I don't recall this error message appearing when I first cloned the ELDK git.  I wiped out my previous git clone and made this git clone Aug 18 22:59 UTC.

Larry Baker
US Geological Survey
baker at usgs.gov

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