[tbot] [Discussion] Contribution guidelines

Stefano Babic sbabic at denx.de
Mon Dec 3 11:17:47 UTC 2018

Hi Harald,

On 03/12/18 12:01, Harald Seiler wrote:
> Hello all!
> With the recent (and very much welcome!!) increase in contribution
> to tbot I felt like it might be necessary to write some guidelines.
> They can be found here:
> 	https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md
> Please give me feedback about them!  Is there anything missing?  Do
> you think something should be changed?  Is anything left unclear?

I think you addressed all technical points. I have just small remarks:

- Changelog: why do we have to modify the Changelog when we are using
git ? git history contains changes and there are tools as "gbp" that
creates a changelog from git history.

- you should mention that patches must have a Signed-off-by
- you should mention how you want to get the patches, via ML or via
github PR. And if you do not want one of them, say explicitely that you
won't care if patches are sent somewhere else !
- due to trolls, you should remark that contributors are aware of GPLv2
and each contributor is not stealing someone's work.

If you want to take a look, this is SWUpdate's contributing page:


Best regards,

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,      Managing Director: Wolfgang Denk
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: +49-8142-66989-53 Fax: +49-8142-66989-80 Email: sbabic at denx.de

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