[tbot] [Discussion] Contribution guidelines

Harald Seiler hws at denx.de
Mon Dec 3 11:27:09 UTC 2018

Hi Stefano,
thanks for your reply!

On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 12:17 +0100, Stefano Babic wrote:
> Hi Harald,
> On 03/12/18 12:01, Harald Seiler wrote:
> > Hello all!
> > 
> > With the recent (and very much welcome!!) increase in contribution
> > to tbot I felt like it might be necessary to write some guidelines.
> > 
> > They can be found here:
> > 
> > 	https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md
> > 
> > Please give me feedback about them!  Is there anything missing?  Do
> > you think something should be changed?  Is anything left unclear?
> > 
> I think you addressed all technical points. I have just small remarks:
> - Changelog: why do we have to modify the Changelog when we are using
> git ? git history contains changes and there are tools as "gbp" that
> creates a changelog from git history.

This is a specific decision I made.  The changelog serves to be a quick
and easy way for a downstream user to see what happened since the last
version and what they need to change in their code so it works with the
latest version.  As stated in [1], using the commit log introduces noise
into this log.  A downstream user doesn't care much about changes like
"Updating Documentation" or the like, in my opinion.  But I know other
projects have other philosophies in that regard ...

[1]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/#log-diffs

> - you should mention that patches must have a Signed-off-by
> - you should mention how you want to get the patches, via ML or via
> github PR. And if you do not want one of them, say explicitely that you
> won't care if patches are sent somewhere else !

Good points!

> - due to trolls, you should remark that contributors are aware of GPLv2
> and each contributor is not stealing someone's work.

v3 in tbot's case ;) But yes, also a good point!

> If you want to take a look, this is SWUpdate's contributing page:
> http://sbabic.github.io/swupdate/contributing.html
> Best regards,
> Stefano

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