Comments about the Documentation

daniel garcia soul.daniel at
Thu Mar 5 14:11:35 CET 2020

Quick start

In the part that says “--interactive” the example uses “tbot selftest_uname -vi”
i assume that the “i” represent “--interactive” but this assumption is based on experience. It could be inserted in an explicit way.


It could be mentioned how to set a “workspace” to develop “tbot testcases” How “tbot -t hell_world” works?
what does the “-t” do? (solution: it is a parameter that tbot receives to explicit give the path of where is the “”)
what does hello_world represent? (solution: it represents the name of the testcase (function) in the “” file (it could be explicit))
why should i name the file “”?
does tbot automatically detect where is “” file in my workspace?

In the python classes presented, which are all the reserved variables (propiedades) that i can use?
what is the function “def workdir(self):” for?
what is the parameter “-l” for?
is there some way to connect to a lab-host with the password?

Hardware interaction
what is the name of the file that the example uses?


Board Config
Board-Hardware Config
How does the “ ……..” works? if it is called from the board config. (it is explained in commentaries that are in the example code).

U-Boot Config

Suggestion: Put the name of the files that are used for the examples.
In the example is missing “import tbot”
The class “MyBoardUboot” must be in the same file of the Board configuration (suggestion: mention it in a explicit way)
SUggestion: mention that you must specify the “prompt” that the uboot in the “board” is using since it can cause problems if the “prompt” property is not the same as the prompt of the board.

Linux (from U-boot) Config

Suggestion: put an example of how you can run the “BeagleBoneLinux” example.
Suggestion: mention that the example must be in  the file with the U-boot configuration for the board.


Suggestion: put some examples about how to use “logs”.
Suggestion: put some examples about how can i use “generators/”

Put some examples about how to use those generators.


Hi, can in work in the patches of the documentation?

if so, should i send the patches via email or via pull request?


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