[U-Boot-Users] u-boot ...bootup warning bad crc

Marius Groeger mag at sysgo.de
Fri Apr 4 16:33:04 CEST 2003

On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Jerry Van Baren wrote:

> The Keys to the Kingdom
> -----------------------
> Step 1:
>    less README
> Step 2:
>    find . -name "*.[ch]" -exec grep "Warning - bad CRC, using default
> environment" \{\} \; -print

You may find xargs(1) interesting in this context.

> Using the Keys, you will discover it is a warning caused by the fact that
> the environment variable space is invalid and the command "saveenv" will
> fix it.

I think the OP is not (yet) able to type in any input. According to
his problem report, the box just hangs. Unfortunately, I have no real
advice to dispense, either...

> >FADS823
> >but with the following problem:
> >As soon as i reset,  the output is as follows and it hangs.....plz. help me in
> >this regards...


Marius Groeger           SYSGO Real-Time Solutions AG       mgroeger at sysgo.de
Software Engineering     Embedded and Real-Time Software    www.sysgo.de
Voice: +49-6136-9948-0   Am Pfaffenstein 14                 www.osek.de
FAX:   +49-6136-9948-10  55270 Klein-Winternheim, Germany   www.elinos.com

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