[U-Boot-Users] Re: Accessing environment from linux?

Marius Groeger mag at sysgo.de
Thu Feb 13 09:44:05 CET 2003

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Rod Boyce wrote:

> A long time ago these questions were being asked about accessing the
> PPC/U-Boot environment variables from Linux I would be very interested in
> any code to do this even partly working code and I would be happy to
> complete the code / debug the code.
> Was this work ever completed and if so:
> A. Where can I find it.
> B. Would some kind person mind sending me the code to finish / use

We are using the stuff attached. It should run out of the box. AFAIK
somewhere there is also a busybox applet around. I like the kernel
driver more.


Marius Groeger           SYSGO Real-Time Solutions AG       mgroeger at sysgo.de
Software Engineering     Embedded and Real-Time Software    www.sysgo.de
Voice: +49-6136-9948-0   Am Pfaffenstein 14                 www.osek.de
FAX:   +49-6136-9948-10  55270 Klein-Winternheim, Germany   www.elinos.com
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