[U-Boot-Users] need help for LAN91C111 driver

Stephan Linz linz at mazet.de
Tue Oct 28 14:03:42 CET 2003


I've found unexpected code inside of smc_phy_configure() in file 

	/* Enable PHY Interrupts (for register 18) */
	/* Interrupts listed here are disabled */
	smc_write_phy_register (PHY_INT_REG, 0xffff);

PHY_INT_REG is an read only register (all bits). So I don't understand the 
write access -- Why? Can anybody explain this step?

I think the corregt register have to be PHY_MASK_REG (register 19), which 
correspond to PHY_INT_REG (register 18) as interrupt mask.

Thanks, and best regards
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Stephan Linz

Stephan Linz

MAZeT GmbH                   Email: mailto:linz at mazet.de
Göschwitzer Str. 32          Tel. : (3641) 2809-55
D-07745 Jena                 Fax  : (3641) 2809-12

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