[U-Boot-Users] Documented feature list anyone?

Detlev Zundel dzu at denx.de
Mon Sep 22 18:07:07 CEST 2003

Hello Robin,

> Does anyone have a u-boot 'feature list' I could cut 'n paste into a
> document that justifies the use of u-boot in a project?
> I started picking a few things from the README file and from the top of
> my head but it all sounds very dry and unexciting :-))
> I'm sure that someone has composed some prose that is elequent and
> technically correct without being bloated by too much 'boiler plating' !!

No sorry, I don't have such a document ready.  I just wanted to remind
you that if you have such a document available, be sure it finds its
way into our documentation system[1] - either by yourself or mail a
copy to the list.


[1] http://www.denx.de/twiki/bin/view/DULG/Manual

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