[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] lan91c96 driver MAC address detection

Dave Peverley dpeverley at mpc-data.co.uk
Thu Apr 29 19:02:01 CEST 2004

Hi all,

  This is a small patch for the lan91c96 ethernet driver that adds the
capability to automatically detect the MAC address stored in EPROM in the
absence of a valid MAC address in the environment. It is modelled on the
system used by the smc91111 driver as suggested by Marius Groeger 

The patch itself was created against the CVS repository tag 
"U-Boot-1_1_0" using the command :
  diff -purN u-boot u-boot-omap730p2 > u-boot-1.1.0-omap730p2.patch

All comments and feedback welcome.

Best Wishes,

Dave Peverley

             Dave Peverley, Software Engineer, MPC Data Limited.
Phone : [+44] (0) 1225 868 228              Web : http://www.mpc-data.co.uk
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