[U-Boot-Users] Re: GOT and adresses

Federico Lucifredi federico at speakeasy.net
Fri Dec 3 15:49:11 CET 2004

Hello All,
 I am porting U-boot to an MPC8247-based custom board. I Got my arms around the
 TOC issue (thanks Wolfgang), but I am also trying to look at the GOT: I 
understand from the  documentation that I should not worry/need to touch that, 
but just in case, I want to make sure I understand what it is doing.

 I am having trouble finding documentation on how the .GOT entries are
customized in gcc as they are in the u-boot sources... any pointers?

-- "'Problem' is a bleak word for challenge" - Richard Fish

Muad'Dib of Caladan (Federico L. Lucifredi)- Harvard University & BU

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