[U-Boot-Users] common/cmd_mii.c bug and patch

Andrew Dyer amdyer at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 05:34:30 CET 2004

The mii info command (the !CONFIG_TERSE_MII version)
has a bug in current cvs. If the phy address is passed
to the command the code assigns the variable addr to start,
instead of the values of addrlo which is extracted from the
command line.  At that point in the code addr is always 0.

to demonstrate find a board with a phy at a non-zero address,
compare the results of 'mii info' and mii info 1' (substitute
the phy address on the test board for 1).

Also in this file on lines 55 and 418 there are two places
where a call to mii_init() is conditionally compiled in, but 
one condition includes defined(CONFIG_MCF52x2) and the
other doesn't.  Is this intentional?

Hardware, n.:
        The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
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