[U-Boot-Users] Booting VxWorks using U-Boot

sudhakar rajashekhara rsudhakar_blr at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 6 15:45:40 CET 2004

Hi All,

I am trying to bring up VxWorks using U-Boot on
MPC8280. U-Boot has come up correctly on my system. I
am following the following procedure after u-boot
comes up.

1) download the vxworks elf file throgh TFTP.
2) I have defined bootargs to
"motfcc(1,0) e=
h= g= u=test pw=test f=0x00"
3) booting the vxworks by issuing the command bootvx.

When I give bootvx, U-Boot prints "Starting vxWorks at
0x00100000" and hangs at this point. Are the steps I
am following are OK or Am I missing any other
environment variable setting?


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