[U-Boot-Users] Loading u-boot to mpc5200 flash with bdi2000

Kate Alhola kate at iti.fi
Mon Feb 9 23:37:35 CET 2004

I have been trying to load u-bood into flash of brand new board but
found some problems.

I have bdi2000, lite5200 and my own board ( itipower5200 ).
I noticed that when i boot either board up.  I can't read access flash with
bdi2000 untill i have executed some amount of initial code that exists in
lite5200 but of cource i can do this with my board because there is no
code in flash yet.

It looks a like that cpu in lite5200 can read instructions from flash
at beginning but bdi2000 displays only zeroes when i try to use md
command. Both boards, lite5200 and itipower5200 displays zeroes
and i have checked with osciloscope that least my board access
flash and gives out 0xff

I have tried look the bdi2000 sample configuration files
from denx but i have not yet find out what i have missed.

I also traced the motorola dBug from reset with lite5200
board to see what changed the behavior but least
i did not get sensible result that should affect the behavior.

The bdi2000 has all the time read access to the internal memory space
of mpc5200 and i can accress config redisters or internal ram
at beginning but just reading external flash gives zeroes
even i have initializeg cs controll registers.

So, simply, the problem is that what i should tell to bdi2000
that i can access flash in empty board ?



; bdiGDB configuration file for 603ei (Zeppo) evaluation system
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; DINK is used to setup the target.
; bdiGDB configuration file for the IceCube5200 evaluation board
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; init core register
WREG    MSR         0x00001002  ;MSR  : ME,RI
WM32    0x80000000  0x0000f000  ;MBAR : internal registers at 0xf0000000
WSPR    311         0xf0000000  ;MBAR : save internal register offset
WSPR    279         0xf0000000  ;SPRG7: save internal memory offsetReg: 279
; init memory controller
WM32    0xf0000004  0x0000ff80  ;CS0 start = 0xff800000
WM32    0xf0000008  0x0000ffff  ;CS0 stop  = 0xffffffff
WM32    0xf0000054  0x00010001  ;CSE: enable CS0, disable CSBOOT
WM32    0xf0000300  0x00047800  ;BOOT ctrl

; init SDRAM CS for 16/16 Micron Type
WM32 0xf0000034 0x00000019 ;SDRAM CS0, 64 MByte physical, can use all 
WM32 0xf0000038 0x04000019 ;SDRAM CS1, 64 MByte physical, can use all 
WM32 0xf0000204 0x10000000 ;SDRAM Set tap delay to 0x10
TSZ4 0x00000000    0x07FFFFFF ;SDRAM CS0,1, 128 MByte
MMAP 0x00000000    0x07FFFFFF ;SDRAM CS0,1, 128 MByte

WM32 0x80000B00 0x80000000 ;GPIO Enable CS1

; init SDRAM controller for DDR 132MHz, CL=2.5   
WM32 0x80000108 0x73722930 ;SDRAM Config 1                        single 
read2readwrite delay cl=2.5, swt2rp =3 for DDR, read CAS = 7 (cl=2,5), 
act2rd= 2,66 -> 3, pre2act=2,66 -> 3, refresh to no read delay=0xA, 
Write latency for DDR =3
WM32 0x8000010C 0x47770000 ;SDRAM Config 2
WM32 0x80000104 0xF15F0F00 ;SDRAM Control: Mode register write enable    
        mode reg=0, clk enable=1, DDR mode, auto refresh enabled, 
hi_addr set, use A10 for precharge, drive rule=1, refresh interval=d15, 
WM32 0x80000104 0xF15F0F02 ;SDRAM Control: Mode register write enable, 
precharge all   
WM32 0x80000100 0x40090000 ;SDRAM Extended Mode                        
DLL enabled, drive strength reduced, QFC disabled
WM32 0x80000100 0x058D0000 ;SDRAM Mode, reset DLL                    
burst 8, sequential, CAS latency 2.5
WM32 0x80000104 0xF15F0F02 ;SDRAM Control: precharge all
WM32 0x80000104 0xF15F0F04 ;SDRAM Control: refresh
WM32 0x80000100 0x018D0000 ;SDRAM Mode, normal DLL operation
WM32 0x80000104 0x715F0F00 ;SDRAM Control, lock Mode register

; define maximal transfer size
TSZ4    0xFF800000  0xFFFFFFFF  ;ROM space
TSZ4    0xF0000000  0xF0003FFF  ;internal registers
; define the valid memory map
MMAP    0x00000000  0x03FFFFFF  ;Memory range for SDRAM
MMAP    0xF0000000  0xF0003FFF  ;Memory map for Internal Register
MMAP    0xF0008000  0xF000BFFF  ;Memory map for On-chip SRAM
MMAP    0xFF800000  0xFFFFFFFF  ;ROM space

CPUTYPE     5200        ;the CPU type
JTAGCLOCK   0           ;use 16 MHz JTAG clock
BREAK       HARD    ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoint
POWERUP        500        ;start delay after power-up detected in ms
BOOTADDR    0xFFF00100    ;Boot High

CHIPTYPE    AM29F       ;Flash type (AM29F | AM29BX8 | AM29BX16 | I28BX8 
| I28BX16)
CHIPSIZE    0x800000    ;The size of one flash chip in bytes
BUSWIDTH    8           ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 
16 | 32)
WORKSPACE   0xF0008000    ;workspace in internal SRAM
FILE        u-boot.bin
FORMAT      BIN 0xFF800000
ERASE       0xFF800000  ;erase sector 0
ERASE       0xFF810000  ;erase sector 1
ERASE       0xFF820000  ;erase sector 2

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