[U-Boot-Users] Newbie question: How do apply the patch from an attachment to my uboot tree

Stephan Linz linz at mazet.de
Wed Feb 11 10:47:52 CET 2004

Am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 09:39 schrieb Shlomo_Kut at mksinst.com:
> Hi,
> I am really interested in looking at the patch to Brad Kemp's CFI
> conformant flash driver.
> Is it already in the cvs database?

Yes, you have to checkout the HEAD.

> How do get from the stream of characters at the of the message to a
> patched version of u-boot?

Hmm, I think you talk about your subject question here, right ? Now, to patch 
your own U-Boot tree do:

1.) Save even this email attachment includes the patch you want
    (say to file: u-boot-feature.patch).
2.) Go into your U-Boot tree and call the "patch" command line tool:

    > cd u-boot
    > patch -p1 < replace_this_with_your_path_to/u-boot-feature.patch


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