[U-Boot-Users] Problems with Hello_world example

Sonia Martinez Baro anexwarrior at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 17:51:49 CET 2004

Hi all,

we're using u-boot in a DBPXA250 based platform. We've burnt u-boot in Flash 
memory and successed to communicate with it using hyperterminal or minicom. 
Then we've loaded hello_world.bin in 0x00040004 and typed in u-boot's 
  go 40004 Hello world
The result is:

## Starting application at 0x00040004 ...
03  3   3   ## Application terminated, rc = 0x0

(Note that "3   ## Application terminated, rc = 0x0" is printed when we hit 
any key).

My doubts are:

When this example is compiled, we are using the binary file that is created 
but, is this binary file created for our platform or does this example only 
work with some specific architectures?? Should it work correctly in our 
DBPXA250 bassed platform??

The u-boot's messages say that stdin, stdout and stderr are in the serial 
port (because we aren't initializating the LCD). The hello_world example 
program is printing messages using the printf() function and we suppose that 
when we compile for our system, the printf() function is trying to print 
those messages through the stdout of our system (that in this case is the 
serial port, isn't it??). So why can't we see the messages that is printing 
the Hello_world application thought serial line??? Why are we only seeing 
those numbers (03 3 3)??? It can't be a baudrate problem, can it??

Thanks in advance for your help,


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