[U-Boot-Users] Multi-Image File Creation

tguilliams at synergymicro.com tguilliams at synergymicro.com
Tue Feb 17 23:25:40 CET 2004

I think I've seen this question posted before but I haven't been able to find it.

Is there a way to extract the vmlinux.gz image from a U-Boot multi-image?  I think it's something like this but I'm guessing I need the original vmlinux.gz size -

# strip the wrapper
dd if=uImage.initrd bs=76 skip=1 of=uImage_initrd.stripped

# extract the gzipped kernel
dd if=uImage_initrd.stripped of=vmlinux.gz bs=??? count=??? skip=???

Thanks in advance for any info.

Tom Guilliams
tguilliams at synergymicro.com

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