[U-Boot-Users] PATCH: Force TFTP to use a fixed UDP port

Jerry Van Baren gerald.vanbaren at smiths-aerospace.com
Thu Jan 6 22:55:42 CET 2005

Hi Wolfgang,

Attached is a patch to allow the user to set an environment variable 
"tftpourport" to force TFTP to use that value for "TftpOurPort" (our UDP 
port).  As discussed yesterday on this list, this is helpful for 
"punching through" a firewall such as is installed with Windows XP SP2.

Making it an environment variable is cute but an overkill.  If there is 
an outcry over the level of overkill, I would be willing to make the 
UDP port a simple #define of a compile time constant, in which case it 
would actually save a few bytes of ROM over the pseudo-random algorithm :-).



* Patch by Jerry Van Baren 05 Jan 2005
  - Make the u-boot TFTP source port be configurable using the
    environment variable "tftpourport":
    * If set, use that port as the u-boot source port
    * If not set, use the current method of using a pseudo random port

  - The additional code can be totally removed by setting the
    #define TFTP_PORT_FROM_ENV (in the net/tftp.c file) to zero.

  - The purpose behind this change is that our customer will
    modify their TFTP server so that it blindly starts the
    TFTP transfer using the pre-configured target IP address
    and UDP port. This will have the effect of "punching through"
    the (Windows XP) firewall, allowing the remainder of the TFTP
    transfer to proceed normally.
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