[U-Boot-Users] [patch]fixes for cmd_fpga.c

Andrew Dyer amdyer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 06:57:55 CET 2005

The attached patch:

1) fixes a bug with the 'fpga loadb' command

The bug is in calculating the config data size - 4 bytes of length info were
being read as signed chars, casted to long, shifted and added.  The cast to
long was doing sign extension and causing an incorrect result if a byte was 
greater than 0x80.  For me this caused the fpga load to end early and time out
waiting for the hardware completion.

2) removes compilation warnings about using __FUNCTION__ concatenated with

3) changes the fpga loadb to always print the file header info during a load.

I realize this patch is a mishmash - hopefully it's helpful to someone.

Hardware, n.:
        The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
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