[U-Boot-Users] PATCH for drivers/cfi_flash.c

Tolunay Orkun listmember at orkun.us
Sun Jul 3 02:50:27 CEST 2005

This patch reworks the patch submitted on May 6, 2005:
Ref: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=11674386

This patch (cfi_flash.patch.tolunay) is prepared against current CVS 
version + Peter Pearse Patch dated March 15, 2005.
Ref: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=11164812


* Patch by Tolunay Orkun, 02 July 2005:
   Fixes for drivers/cfi_flash.c:
   - Fix wrong timeout value usage in flash_status_check()
   - Round write_tout up when converting to msec in flash_get_size()
   - Remove clearing flash status at the end of flash_write_cfibuffer()
     which sets Intel 28F640J3 flash back to command mode on CSB472


In case Peter's Patch is rejected for some reason please apply the 
alternate patch (cfi_flash.patch.tolunay2) instead. It makes one 
additional fix that I had submitted in my original patch.

CHANGELOG (Alternate)

* Patch by Tolunay Orkun, 02 July 2005:
   Fixes for drivers/cfi_flash.c:
   - Fix wrong timeout value usage in flash_status_check()
   - Round write_tout up when converting to msec in flash_get_size()
   - Remove clearing flash status at the end of flash_write_cfibuffer()
     which sets Intel 28F640J3 flash back to command mode on CSB472
   - Fix incorrect if condition in flash_full_status_check()

Best regards,
Tolunay Orkun
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