[U-Boot-Users] bootm and script images

Matthias Fuchs matthias.fuchs at esd-electronics.com
Fri Sep 16 15:07:14 CEST 2005


this is what I need to do: we have u-boot running on a PCI adapter card.
The whatever-image is directly loaded into the card's RAM over the PCI 
bus. Then we trigger booting the image by modifying a magic RAM cell.

Currently only Linux kernel images and combined kernel + initrd images 
are supported. Now we want to allow using u-boot scripts with the same 

So if you think that a "universal" boot command would blow things up to 
much, I will think of a mofication of our loadpci BSP command. I will 
decide inside this command if bootm or autoscr must be used.

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Yes. Bootm is intended to boot (Linux)  kernel  images,  that's  all.
> There  are  other  commands to deal with other objects, like "go" for
> standalone images, "autoscr" for scripts,
Yes, I know.
> Please keep the design smalland simple. We don't need no  eierlegende
> Woll-Milch-Säue in U-Boot :-)
Well, it would be just one more case in the bootm switch statement.


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