[U-Boot-Users] Dynamic location of the environment sector

Angelos Manousarides amanous at inaccessnetworks.com
Thu Jun 22 13:02:45 CEST 2006

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> In message <449A6F42.9090509 at inaccessnetworks.com> you wrote:

> The only effect of this is to put the  environment  into  a  separate
> linker  section. You can do this, but you don't have to. You can make
> this work without this setting es well. Just  configure  your  linker
> script correctly.
>>My board is not on the first #if, so it felt back to the last #else, 
>>thus placing the env_size and environment in the wrong order.
> This is an error in your linker script then.

My linker script is :

         .text      :
           cpu/pxa/start.o       (.text)
           . = env_offset ;
           common/environment.o  (.text)
           /**(EXCLUDE_FILE (common/environment.o) .text)*/

env_offset is defined at common/environment.c, and this is the defined 
used by other boards as well.

$ arm-linux-objdump -d common/environment.o

common/environment.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <env_size>:
        0:       00 80 00 00                                         ....

00000004 <environment>:
        4:       85 6f 43 92 62 6f 6f 74 64 65 6c 61 79 3d 35 00 
       14:       62 61 75 64 72 61 74 65 3d 31 31 35 32 30 30 00 

How can this be correct? All the defines are for offset 0 of this file, 
but at 0 is the env_size. I also did a hexedit of the u-boot.bin and the 
environment indeed starts at 0x4004 :

00004000   00 80 00 00  85 6F 43 92  62 6F 6F 74  64 65 6C 61

Angelos Manousaridis

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