[U-Boot-Users] Up-arrow and Down-arrow related Query
Kamesh K S
kamesh at signal-networks.com
Thu Feb 1 11:29:39 CET 2007
I went thru' the latest 1.1.6 code and found that
History command and various other command line
editing options can be enabled using the
CONFIG_CMDLINE_EDITING macro. But it does not
support command completion.
The CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE macro allows command
completion but that does not work in tandem with History
and other cmd line editing options(only very few cmd line
edit option work).
readline() has few cmd edit options along with command
cread_line() has many cmdline editing features available,
but command completion option is not supported.
How do we make both of them work in in u-boot environment
togather ?
Or am I missing anything ?
Thnx in Advance
On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 16:52, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> In message <1168625193.1678.23.camel at Kamesh> you wrote:
> >
> > I'm using u-boot for our custom board.
> > We are customizing the Cmd Line interface of U-Boot
> > to suit our needs.
> Start trying to understand what's already present...
> > The Up-Arrow & Down-Arrow keys don't function the way
> > they do in Bash Shell prompt.
> Umm... it seems you are somewhat confused about functions of the
> terminal emulation running on your host computer and the imput
> processing in U-Boot.
> In the standard configuration, there is no such thing as "Up-Arrow"
> or "Down-Arrow" keys - U-Boot is reading a character stream, and tere
> is no such characters in the usedC (= ASCII) character set.
> However, you can enable command completion, commandline editiong and
> history functions by enabling these in your board configuration.
> Then, and only then, will U-Boot respond to certain character
> sequences.
> > The Up-Arrow takes the cursor up the screen thru the previous
> > prompt lines. Where is this Up-Arrow functionality defined ?
> In the terminal emulation program running on your host system. U-Boot
> is just echoing the characters in your input.
> > I chkd the readline() function in common/main.c, but that does
> > not take care of Up & Down arrows in Switch - Case stmts.
> It does not ven know that such things might exist.
> > I need to know where the Up and Down arrow key press
> > functionalities are defined.
> You repeat yourself.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
> --
> Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
> Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
> Quote from a recent meeting: "We are going to continue having these
> meetings everyday until I find out why no work is getting done."
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