[U-Boot-Users] [PATCH] Update to stand alone program feature

Jeff Mann MannJ at embeddedplanet.com
Wed May 9 17:56:57 CEST 2007

Patch did not attach. Let me try again... 
> [PATCH] Update to stand alone program feature
> This patch contains updates to the stand alone program feature,
> including:
> 1. update and document new features in README.standalone 2. 
> add SA= flag to allow for the stand alone program directory to
>    be selected for compiling with u-boot 3. added 
> xf_func_inc() function. See documentation for a description.
> 4. removal of undesired #ifdef...#endif statements 5. Note: 
> XF_VERSION was not advanced. This will happen in the next patch
>    in this series. 
> This feature does not seem to fall into any category in the 
> list of U-Boot Custodians, so I guess it goes to you, Wolfgang. 
> The patch file is attached. 
> -Jeffrey Mann
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: stand_alone_prog.patch
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 6051 bytes
Desc: stand_alone_prog.patch
Url : http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/attachments/20070509/52183f4d/attachment.obj 

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