[U-Boot] Problems with fw_printenv

Ronald Kortekaas Ronald.Kortekaas at chess.nl
Thu Mar 4 07:14:19 CET 2010

Op 3-3-2010 21:21, Wolfgang Denk schreef:
> Dear Ronald Kortekaas,
> In message<D94411866239F14CAE874E27A9B65CA88485E5E26E at exalg01.CHESS.INT>  you wrote:
>> The problem was the definition of CONFIG_ENV_ADDR_REDUND after undefining this it works.
> Do you understand the consequewnces of removing this definition? Are
> you sure you really want to do this?
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
No, I'm not understanding the consequences of removing this definition. 
I can't find a description what is does.
It was a suggestion of one of the other readers of the maillist.

But if I want to use the CONFIG_ENV_ADDR_REDUND. Is there a way to solve 
this problem?

This message refers to 

Best regards,


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