[U-Boot] [PATCH 2/2] beagle: handle import of environments in files with CRLF as line endings

Alexander Holler holler at ahsoftware.de
Sun May 13 22:18:40 CEST 2012

On 13.05.2012 20:57, Marek Vasut wrote:
> Dear Wolfgang Denk,
>> Dear Marek Vasut,
>> In message<201205131909.49488.marek.vasut at gmail.com>  you wrote:
>>>> -		"env import -t $loadaddr $filesize\0" \
>>>> +		"env import -t -r $loadaddr $filesize\0" \
>>> Not everyone importing env on beagle use broken tools ;-)
>> It's not a problem of using broken tools - the problem is of ignorant
>> people _not_ using decade old, working tools like dos2unix if they
>> need them.
> tr -d '\r' won't work? :-)
>> As I mentionewd a coule of times before, I am seriously tempted to
>> ignore this "problem".
> Can't the wincrap people be taught to use cygwin? Or possibly some Windows (R)
> (C)(TM)(???) rebuilt version of tr -d '\r' ?

Sorry, it seems you just are unable or yiu don't want to understand the 
problem. So here is my last message on this topic, trying to explain it 
for you.

env import -t is a handy solution to give users (not only devs) a 
possibility to modify variables (options) used to boot some OS. They 
don't have to deal with the u-boot command-line and, depending how it's 
used, env import -t is an alternative to persistent modify the env 
without the need for NAND.

So one just tells the user(s) that if they want to change some option 
they just have to create a text file on a specific place which contains 
a line like e.g.


The only problem is that such a description currently only works for 
Linux users. I don't know with what devices and users you are dealing, 
but there are some people out in the wild which don't know (much) about 
Linux, or even about the difference in line endings between text files 
creates using Windows or Linux. Some of them even just want to use their 

And in addition, the resulting problems hare very hard to diagnose, 
because there will be no obvious error message when something contains a 
trailing CR.

It would be interesting how long you would need to diagnose such a 
problem without knowing about that problem, but we now will never know.

Now I needed about 10 mails to describe a problem from which I thought 
it's totally obvious. Sorry, but I accept that I'm totally unable to 
deal with this list in any, for me reasonable, time frame.



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