[U-Boot] [PATCH] i2c: mxc: allow executing the code that only applies to i.MX platforms

York Sun yorksun at freescale.com
Mon Dec 14 12:14:03 CET 2015

On 12/14/2015 07:03 PM, Gong Qianyu-B52263 wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sun York-R58495
>> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 6:37 PM
>> To: Gong Qianyu-B52263; u-boot at lists.denx.de
>> Cc: Hu Mingkai-B21284; Sun York-R58495; Fan Peng-B51431
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH] i2c: mxc: allow executing the code that only applies
>> to i.MX platforms
>> On 12/14/2015 06:23 PM, Gong Qianyu wrote:
>>> The bus_i2c_init() is called before relocation and will assgin value
>>> to a static variable. If U-Boot is then still running in a flash
>>> device, it's theoretically not allowed to write data to flash without
>>> an erasing operation. For i.MX platforms, the U-Boot is always running
>>> in DDR.
>>> Actually it causes asynchronous error when the ARM64 system error
>>> report is enabled and the flash write protect is set.
>>> Signed-off-by: Gong Qianyu <Qianyu.Gong at freescale.com>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c | 3 +++
>>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c b/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c index
>>> fa4c82f..4dddb83 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/i2c/mxc_i2c.c
>>> @@ -581,8 +581,11 @@ void bus_i2c_init(int index, int speed, int unused,
>>>  		return;
>>>  	}
>>> +#if defined(CONFIG_MX51) || defined(CONFIG_MX53) || \
>>> +	defined(CONFIG_MX6) || defined(CONFIG_MX7)
>>>  	mxc_i2c_buses[index].idle_bus_fn = idle_bus_fn;
>>>  	mxc_i2c_buses[index].idle_bus_data = idle_bus_data;
>>> +#endif
>> I also think using variable mxc_i2c_buses is problematic. But using ifdef
>> doesn't look like a solution. I think this variable should be put into
>> stack, or use malloc. It works with execution-in-place in read-only space.
>> York
> But we don't know if the stack will be enough before relocation. For SD boot of LS1043A, 
> there is now only 4KB for it and if the spl image is bigger in the future, the stack is 
> smaller. So isn't leaving more stack(if possible) for necessary code better? 

This array is small. The size of stack depends on the deepest one in all
functions. I don't think this driver use deep stack. I remember Linux has a tool
to calculate the stack. You can try it to examine the stack depth.


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