[U-Boot] [PATCH 0/7] efi_loader: Expose SMBIOS table

Alexander Graf agraf at suse.de
Mon Aug 8 16:06:27 CEST 2016

We generate a few tables on x86 today that really can be used on ARM just
the same. One such example is the SMBIOS table, which people use with tools
like "dmidecode" to identify which hardware they are running on.

We're slowly growing needs to collect serial numbers from various devices
on ARM and SMBIOS seems the natural choice. So this patch set moves the
current SMBIOS generation into generic code and adds serial number exposure
to it.

I have verified that I get a correct serial number printed in dmidecode on
the RPi3.

Alexander Graf (7):
  x86: Move table csum into separate header
  x86: Move smbios generation into arch independent directory
  efi_loader: Expose efi_install_configuration_table
  smbios: Allow compilation on 64bit systems
  smbios: Expose in efi_loader as table
  efi_loader: Fix efi_install_configuration_table
  smbios: Provide serial number

 arch/x86/Kconfig                           | 27 --------------
 arch/x86/include/asm/tables.h              |  2 +
 arch/x86/lib/Makefile                      |  1 -
 arch/x86/lib/tables.c                      | 21 ++++-------
 cmd/bootefi.c                              |  3 ++
 include/efi_api.h                          |  4 ++
 include/efi_loader.h                       |  4 ++
 {arch/x86/include/asm => include}/smbios.h |  5 ++-
 include/tables_csum.h                      | 22 +++++++++++
 lib/Kconfig                                | 33 +++++++++++++++++
 lib/Makefile                               |  1 +
 lib/efi_loader/efi_boottime.c              | 24 +++++++-----
 {arch/x86/lib => lib}/smbios.c             | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 13 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
 rename {arch/x86/include/asm => include}/smbios.h (96%)
 create mode 100644 include/tables_csum.h
 rename {arch/x86/lib => lib}/smbios.c (82%)


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