[U-Boot] [PATCH v2 2/2] test/py: Create tests for ext4 and fat testing on sandbox

Stefan Brüns stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de
Mon Dec 5 01:52:14 CET 2016

From: Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de>

The following checks are currently implemented:
1. listing a directory
2. verifying size of a file
3. veryfying md5sum for a file region
4. reading the beginning of a file

Signed-off-by: Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de>
 test/py/tests/test_fs.py | 357 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 357 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/py/tests/test_fs.py

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_fs.py b/test/py/tests/test_fs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7aaf8debaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_fs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Stefan Bruens <stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Test U-Boot's filesystem implementations
+# The tests are currently covering the ext4 and fat filesystem implementations.
+# Following functionality is currently checked:
+# - Listing a directory and checking for a set of files
+# - Verifying the size of a file
+# - Reading sparse and non-sparse files
+# - File content verification using md5sums
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+import hashlib
+import pytest
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import u_boot_utils as util
+ at pytest.fixture(scope='session')
+def prereq_commands():
+    """Detect required commands to run file system tests."""
+    for command in ['mkfs', 'mount', 'umount']:
+        if find_executable(command) is None:
+            pytest.skip('Filesystem tests, "{0}" not in PATH'.format(command))
+    hostfs: access image contents through the sandbox hostfs
+        facility, using the filesytem implementation of
+        the sandbox host, e.g. Linux kernel
+    generic: test u-boots native filesystem implementations,
+        using the 'generic' command names, e.g. 'load'
+    TODO -
+    fscommands: test u-boots native filesystem implementations,
+        using the fs specific commands, e.g. 'ext4load'
+ at pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=['generic', 'hostfs'])
+def scenario(request):
+    request.cls.scenario = request.param
+    return request.param
+Dictionary of files to use during filesystem tests. The files
+are keyed by the filenames. The value is an array of strides, each tuple
+contains the the start offset (inclusive) and end offset (exclusive).
+files = {
+    'empty.file' : [(0, 0)],
+    '1MB.file'   : [(0, 1e6)],
+    '1MB.sparse.file'   : [(1e6-1, 1e6)],
+    '32MB.sparse.file'   : [(0, 1e6), (4e6, 5e6), (31e6, 32e6)],
+    # Creating a 2.5 GB file on FAT is exceptionally slow, disable it for now
+    # '2_5GB.sparse.file'   : [(0, 1e6), (1e9, 1e9+1e6), (2.5e9-1e6, 2.5e9)],
+"""Options to pass to mkfs."""
+mkfs_opts = {
+	'fat' :'-t vfat',
+	'ext4' : '-t ext4 -F',
+class FsImage:
+    def __init__(self, fstype, imagepath, mountpath):
+        """Create a new filesystem image.
+        Args:
+            fstype: filesystem type (string)
+            imagepath: full path to image file
+            mountpath: mountpoint directory
+        """
+        self.fstype = fstype
+        self.imagepath = imagepath
+        self.mountpath = mountpath
+        self.md5s = {}
+        with open(self.imagepath, 'w') as fd:
+            fd.truncate(0)
+            fd.seek(3e9)
+            fd.write(bytes([0]))
+    def mkfs(self, log):
+        mkfsopts = mkfs_opts.get(self.fstype)
+        util.run_and_log(log,
+            'mkfs {0} {1}'.format(mkfsopts, self.imagepath))
+    def create_file(self, log, filename, strides):
+        """Create a single file in the filesystem. Each file
+        is defined by one or more strides, which is filled with
+        random data. For each stride, the md5sum is calculated
+        and stored.
+        """
+        md5sums = []
+        with open(self.mountpath + '/' + filename, 'w') as fd:
+            for stride in strides:
+                length = int(stride[1] - stride[0])
+                data = bytearray(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in xrange(length))
+                md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
+                md5sums.append(md5)
+                log.info('{0}: write {1} bytes @ {2} : {3}'.format(
+                    filename, int(stride[1] - stride[0]),
+                    int(stride[0]), md5))
+                fd.seek(stride[0])
+                fd.write(data);
+        self.md5s[filename] = md5sums
+    def create_files(self, log):
+        with log.section('Create initial files'):
+            for filename in files:
+                self.create_file(log, filename, files[filename])
+            log.info('Created test files in "{0}"'.format(self.mountpath))
+            util.run_and_log(log, 'ls -la {0}'.format(self.mountpath))
+            util.run_and_log(log, 'sync {0}'.format(self.mountpath))
+    def mount(self, log):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.mountpath):
+            os.mkdir(self.mountpath)
+        log.info('Mounting {0} at {1}'.format(self.imagepath, self.mountpath))
+        if self.fstype == 'ext4':
+            cmd = 'sudo -n mount -o loop,rw {0} {1}'.format(self.imagepath, self.mountpath)
+        else:
+            cmd = 'sudo -n mount -o loop,rw,umask=000 {0} {1}'.format(self.imagepath, self.mountpath)
+        util.run_and_log(log, cmd)
+        if self.fstype == 'ext4':
+            cmd = 'sudo -n chmod og+rw {0}'.format(self.mountpath)
+            return util.run_and_log(log, cmd)
+    def unmount(self, log):
+        log.info('Unmounting {0}'.format(self.imagepath))
+        cmd = 'sudo -n umount -l {0}'.format(self.mountpath)
+        util.run_and_log(log, cmd, ignore_errors=True)
+ at pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=['fat', 'ext4'])
+def fsimage(prereq_commands, u_boot_config, u_boot_log, request):
+    """Filesystem image instance."""
+    datadir = u_boot_config.result_dir + '/'
+    fstype = request.param
+    imagepath = datadir + '3GB.' + fstype + '.img'
+    mountpath = datadir + 'mnt_' + fstype
+    with u_boot_log.section('Create image "{0}"'.format(imagepath)):
+        fsimage = FsImage(fstype, imagepath, mountpath)
+        fsimage.mkfs(u_boot_log)
+    yield fsimage
+    fsimage.unmount(u_boot_log)
+ at pytest.fixture(scope='module')
+def populated_image(fsimage, u_boot_log):
+    """Filesystem populated with files required for tests."""
+    try:
+        fsimage.mount(u_boot_log)
+    except Exception as e:
+        pytest.skip('{0}: could not mount "{1}"'.format(
+            fsimage.fstype, fsimage.imagepath))
+        yield None
+    fsimage.create_files(u_boot_log)
+    fsimage.unmount(u_boot_log)
+    yield fsimage
+ at pytest.fixture(scope='function')
+def boundimage(populated_image, u_boot_console, request):
+    """Filesystem image instance which is accessible from inside
+    the running U-Boot instance."""
+    image = populated_image
+    request.cls.image = image
+    if request.cls.scenario == 'hostfs':
+        image.mount(u_boot_console.log)
+        image.rootpath = image.mountpath + '/'
+        yield image
+        image.unmount(u_boot_console.log)
+    else:
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command_list(
+            ['host bind 0 {0}'.format(image.imagepath)])
+        image.rootpath = '/'
+        yield image
+        output = u_boot_console.run_command_list(['host bind 0 '])
+def test_fs_prepare_image(u_boot_config, fsimage, request):
+    """Dummy test to create an image file with filesystem.
+    Useful to isolate fixture setup from actual tests."""
+    if not fsimage:
+        pytest.fail('Failed to create image')
+def test_fs_populate_image(populated_image, request):
+    """Dummy test to create initial filesystem contents."""
+    if not populated_image:
+        pytest.fail('Failed create initial image content')
+ at pytest.mark.usefixtures('u_boot_console', 'scenario', 'boundimage')
+class TestFilesystems:
+    ignore_cleanup_errors = True
+    filesize_regex = re.compile('^filesize=([A-Fa-f0-9]+)')
+    md5sum_regex = re.compile('^md5 for .* ==> ([A-Fa-f0-9]{32})')
+    dirlist_regex = re.compile('\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+.file\S*)')
+    commands = {
+            'fat' : {
+                    'listcmd'   : 'ls',
+                    'readcmd'   : 'load',
+                    'sizecmd'   : 'size',
+                    'writecmd'  : 'size',
+            },
+            'ext4' : {
+                    'listcmd'   : 'ls',
+                    'readcmd'   : 'load',
+                    'sizecmd'   : 'size',
+                    'writecmd'  : 'size',
+            },
+    }
+    cmd_parameters = {
+            'hostfs' : {
+                    'prefix'    : 'host ',
+                    'interface' : 'hostfs -',
+            },
+            'generic' : {
+                    'prefix'    : '',
+                    'interface' : 'host 0:0',
+            },
+    }
+    def get_filesize(self, filename):
+        """Get the size of the given file."""
+        strides = files[filename]
+        return int(strides[-1][1])
+    def check_dirlist(self, string, filenames):
+        """Check if the output string returned by a list command
+        contains all given filenames."""
+        m = self.dirlist_regex.findall(string)
+        assert(m)
+        for i, e in enumerate(m):
+            m[i] = (int(e[0]), e[1].lower())
+        for f in filenames:
+            e = (self.get_filesize(f), f.lower())
+            assert(e in m)
+    def check_filesize(self, string, size):
+        """Check if the output string returned by a size command
+        matches the expected file size."""
+        m = self.filesize_regex.match(string)
+        assert(m)
+        assert(int(m.group(1), 16) == size)
+    def check_md5sum(self, string, md5):
+        """Check if the output string returned by the md5sum
+        command matches the expected md5."""
+        m = self.md5sum_regex.match(string)
+        assert(m)
+        assert(len(m.group(1)) == 32)
+        assert(m.group(1) == md5)
+    def run_listcmd(self, dirname):
+        """Run the scenario and filesystem specific list command
+        for the given directory name."""
+        cmd = '{0}{1} {2} {3}'.format(
+            self.fs_params.get('prefix'),
+            self.fs_commands.get('listcmd'),
+            self.fs_params.get('interface'),
+            self.image.rootpath + dirname)
+        with self.console.log.section('List "{0}"'.format(dirname)):
+            output = self.console.run_command_list([cmd])
+            return output[0]
+    def run_readcmd(self, filename, offset, length):
+        """Run the scenario and filesystem specific read command
+        for the given file."""
+        cmd = '{0}{1} {2} {3} {4} 0x{5:x} 0x{6:x}'.format(
+            self.fs_params.get('prefix'),
+            self.fs_commands.get('readcmd'),
+            self.fs_params.get('interface'),
+            '0', # address
+            self.image.rootpath + filename,
+            length, offset)
+        with self.console.log.section('Read file "{0}"'.format(filename)):
+            output = self.console.run_command_list(
+                [cmd, 'env print filesize',
+                 'md5sum 0 $filesize', 'env set filesize'])
+            return output[1:3]
+    def run_sizecmd(self, filename):
+        """Run the scenario and filesystem specific size command
+        for the given file."""
+        cmd = '{0}{1} {2} {3}'.format(
+            self.fs_params.get('prefix'),
+            self.fs_commands.get('sizecmd'),
+            self.fs_params.get('interface'),
+            self.image.rootpath + filename)
+        with self.console.log.section('Get size of "{0}"'.format(filename)):
+            output = self.console.run_command_list(
+                [cmd, 'env print filesize', 'env set filesize'])
+            return output[1]
+    def setup(self):
+        self.fs_params = self.cmd_parameters.get(self.scenario)
+        self.fs_commands = self.commands.get(self.image.fstype)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('dirname', ['', './'])
+    def test_fs_ls(self, u_boot_console, dirname):
+        """Check the contents of the given directory."""
+        if self.image.fstype == 'fat' and dirname == './':
+            pytest.skip("FAT has no '.' entry in the root directory")
+        self.console = u_boot_console
+        self.setup()
+        output = self.run_listcmd(dirname)
+        self.check_dirlist(output, files.keys())
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', files.keys())
+    def test_fs_filesize(self, u_boot_console, filename):
+        """Check the filesize of the given file."""
+        self.console = u_boot_console
+        self.setup()
+        filesize = self.get_filesize(filename)
+        output = self.run_sizecmd(filename)
+        self.check_filesize(output, filesize)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', files.keys())
+    def test_fs_read(self, u_boot_console, filename):
+        """Read all defined strides of the given file and checks
+        its contents."""
+        self.console = u_boot_console
+        self.setup()
+        md5s = self.image.md5s[filename]
+        for i, stride in enumerate(files[filename]):
+            length = int(stride[1]) - int(stride[0])
+            offset = int(stride[0])
+            output = self.run_readcmd(filename, offset, length)
+            self.check_filesize(output[0], length)
+            self.console.log.info('md5: {0}'.format(md5s[i]))
+            self.check_md5sum(output[1], md5s[i])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', files.keys())
+    def test_fs_read_head(self, u_boot_console, filename):
+        """Check reading the head of the given file, up to the first
+        4 Megabyte (or less for smaller files). Also reads sparse
+        regions of a file."""
+        self.console = u_boot_console
+        self.setup()
+        filesize = self.get_filesize(filename)
+        filesize = min(filesize, int(4e6))
+        output = self.run_readcmd(filename, 0, filesize)
+        self.check_filesize(output[0], filesize)

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