[U-Boot] [PATCH 3/9] zymqmp: Replace home grown mmu code with generic table approach

Alexander Graf agraf at suse.de
Fri Feb 26 01:49:00 CET 2016

On 23.02.16 14:07, Michal Simek wrote:
> Hi,
> before I comment the rest. You need to also fix gem driver because it is
> using 1MB mapping.
> diff --git a/drivers/net/zynq_gem.c b/drivers/net/zynq_gem.c
> index b3821c31a91d..cf1376ce1bd7 100644
> --- a/drivers/net/zynq_gem.c
> +++ b/drivers/net/zynq_gem.c
> @@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ struct emac_bd {
>  };
>  #define RX_BUF 32
> -/* Page table entries are set to 1MB, or multiples of 1MB
> - * (not < 1MB). driver uses less bd's so use 1MB bdspace.
> +/* Page table entries are set to 2MB, or multiples of 2MB
> + * (not < 2MB). driver uses less bd's so use 2MB bdspace.
>   */
> -#define BD_SPACE       0x100000
> +#define BD_SPACE       0x200000
>  /* BD separation space */
>  #define BD_SEPRN_SPACE (RX_BUF * sizeof(struct emac_bd))

Looks like I didn't reply to this before. The change above makes a lot
of space, but is not required for this patch set. We simply break the
page table down to 4k maps.

So to keep the bits I touch in this patch set as small as possible, I
think we should (if we really want to) move this into a separate,
follow-up patch.

> On 23.2.2016 12:33, Alexander Graf wrote:
>> On 23.02.16 12:04, Michal Simek wrote:
>>> On 22.2.2016 02:57, Alexander Graf wrote:
>>>> Now that we have nice table driven page table creating code that gives
>>>> us everything we need, move to that.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf at suse.de>
>>>> ---
>>>>  arch/arm/cpu/armv8/zynqmp/cpu.c | 169 ----------------------------------------
>>>>  include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h |  44 +++++++++++
>>>>  2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/zynqmp/cpu.c b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/zynqmp/cpu.c
>>>> index c71f291..3f661a9 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/zynqmp/cpu.c
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/zynqmp/cpu.c
>>>> @@ -44,172 +44,3 @@ unsigned int zynqmp_get_silicon_version(void)
>>>>  }
>>>> -
>>>> -#include <asm/armv8/mmu.h>
>>>> -
>>>> -#define SECTION_SHIFT_L1	30UL
>>>> -#define SECTION_SHIFT_L2	21UL
>>>> -#define BLOCK_SIZE_L0		0x8000000000UL
>>>> -#define BLOCK_SIZE_L1		(1 << SECTION_SHIFT_L1)
>>>> -#define BLOCK_SIZE_L2		(1 << SECTION_SHIFT_L2)
>>>> -
>>>> -#define TCR_TG1_4K		(1 << 31)
>>>> -#define TCR_EPD1_DISABLE	(1 << 23)
>>>> -#define ZYNQMO_VA_BITS		40
>>>> -#define ZYNQMP_TCR		TCR_TG1_4K | \
>>>> -				TCR_EPD1_DISABLE | \
>>>> -				TCR_SHARED_OUTER | \
>>>> -				TCR_SHARED_INNER | \
>>>> -				TCR_IRGN_WBWA | \
>>>> -				TCR_ORGN_WBWA | \
>>>> -
>>>> -			PMD_TYPE_SECT
>>>> -			PMD_TYPE_SECT
>>>> -
>>>> -/* 4K size is required to place 512 entries in each level */
>>>> -#define TLB_TABLE_SIZE	0x1000
>>>> -
>>>> -struct attr_tbl {
>>>> -	u32 num;
>>>> -	u64 attr;
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct attr_tbl attr_tbll1t0[4] = { {16, 0x0},
>>>> -					   {8, DEVICE_ATTR},
>>>> -					   {32, MEMORY_ATTR},
>>>> -					   {456, DEVICE_ATTR}
>>>> -					 };
>>>> -static struct attr_tbl attr_tbll2t3[4] = { {0x180, DEVICE_ATTR},
>>>> -					   {0x40, 0x0},
>>>> -					   {0x3F, DEVICE_ATTR},
>>>> -					   {0x1, MEMORY_ATTR}
>>>> -					 };
>>>> -
>>>> -/*
>>>> - * This mmu table looks as below
>>>> - * Level 0 table contains two entries to 512GB sizes. One is Level1 Table 0
>>>> - * and other Level1 Table1.
>>>> - * Level1 Table0 contains entries for each 1GB from 0 to 511GB.
>>>> - * Level1 Table1 contains entries for each 1GB from 512GB to 1TB.
>>>> - * Level2 Table0, Level2 Table1, Level2 Table2 and Level2 Table3 contains
>>>> - * entries for each 2MB starting from 0GB, 1GB, 2GB and 3GB respectively.
>>>> - */
>>>> -static void zynqmp_mmu_setup(void)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	int el;
>>>> -	u32 index_attr;
>>>> -	u64 i, section_l1t0, section_l1t1;
>>>> -	u64 section_l2t0, section_l2t1, section_l2t2, section_l2t3;
>>>> -	u64 *level0_table = (u64 *)gd->arch.tlb_addr;
>>>> -	u64 *level1_table_0 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + TLB_TABLE_SIZE);
>>>> -	u64 *level1_table_1 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + (2 * TLB_TABLE_SIZE));
>>>> -	u64 *level2_table_0 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + (3 * TLB_TABLE_SIZE));
>>>> -	u64 *level2_table_1 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + (4 * TLB_TABLE_SIZE));
>>>> -	u64 *level2_table_2 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + (5 * TLB_TABLE_SIZE));
>>>> -	u64 *level2_table_3 = (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + (6 * TLB_TABLE_SIZE));
>>>> -
>>>> -	level0_table[0] =
>>>> -		(u64)level1_table_0 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -	level0_table[1] =
>>>> -		(u64)level1_table_1 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -
>>>> -	/*
>>>> -	 * set level 1 table 0, covering 0 to 512GB
>>>> -	 * set level 1 table 1, covering 512GB to 1TB
>>>> -	 */
>>>> -	section_l1t0 = 0;
>>>> -	section_l1t1 = BLOCK_SIZE_L0;
>>>> -
>>>> -	index_attr = 0;
>>>> -	for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
>>>> -		level1_table_0[i] = section_l1t0;
>>>> -		level1_table_0[i] |= attr_tbll1t0[index_attr].attr;
>>>> -		attr_tbll1t0[index_attr].num--;
>>>> -		if (attr_tbll1t0[index_attr].num == 0)
>>>> -			index_attr++;
>>>> -		level1_table_1[i] = section_l1t1;
>>>> -		level1_table_1[i] |= DEVICE_ATTR;
>>>> -		section_l1t0 += BLOCK_SIZE_L1;
>>>> -		section_l1t1 += BLOCK_SIZE_L1;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	level1_table_0[0] =
>>>> -		(u64)level2_table_0 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -	level1_table_0[1] =
>>>> -		(u64)level2_table_1 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -	level1_table_0[2] =
>>>> -		(u64)level2_table_2 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -	level1_table_0[3] =
>>>> -		(u64)level2_table_3 | PMD_TYPE_TABLE;
>>>> -
>>>> -	section_l2t0 = 0;
>>>> -	section_l2t1 = section_l2t0 + BLOCK_SIZE_L1; /* 1GB */
>>>> -	section_l2t2 = section_l2t1 + BLOCK_SIZE_L1; /* 2GB */
>>>> -	section_l2t3 = section_l2t2 + BLOCK_SIZE_L1; /* 3GB */
>>>> -
>>>> -	index_attr = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -	for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
>>>> -		level2_table_0[i] = section_l2t0 | MEMORY_ATTR;
>>>> -		level2_table_1[i] = section_l2t1 | MEMORY_ATTR;
>>>> -		level2_table_2[i] = section_l2t2 | DEVICE_ATTR;
>>>> -		level2_table_3[i] = section_l2t3 |
>>>> -				    attr_tbll2t3[index_attr].attr;
>>>> -		attr_tbll2t3[index_attr].num--;
>>>> -		if (attr_tbll2t3[index_attr].num == 0)
>>>> -			index_attr++;
>>>> -		section_l2t0 += BLOCK_SIZE_L2;
>>>> -		section_l2t1 += BLOCK_SIZE_L2;
>>>> -		section_l2t2 += BLOCK_SIZE_L2;
>>>> -		section_l2t3 += BLOCK_SIZE_L2;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	/* flush new MMU table */
>>>> -	flush_dcache_range(gd->arch.tlb_addr,
>>>> -			   gd->arch.tlb_addr + gd->arch.tlb_size);
>>>> -
>>>> -	/* point TTBR to the new table */
>>>> -	el = current_el();
>>>> -	set_ttbr_tcr_mair(el, gd->arch.tlb_addr,
>>>> -
>>>> -	set_sctlr(get_sctlr() | CR_M);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -int arch_cpu_init(void)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	icache_enable();
>>>> -	__asm_invalidate_dcache_all();
>>>> -	__asm_invalidate_tlb_all();
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -/*
>>>> - * This function is called from lib/board.c.
>>>> - * It recreates MMU table in main memory. MMU and d-cache are enabled earlier.
>>>> - * There is no need to disable d-cache for this operation.
>>>> - */
>>>> -void enable_caches(void)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	/* The data cache is not active unless the mmu is enabled */
>>>> -	if (!(get_sctlr() & CR_M)) {
>>>> -		invalidate_dcache_all();
>>>> -		__asm_invalidate_tlb_all();
>>>> -		zynqmp_mmu_setup();
>>>> -	}
>>>> -	puts("Enabling Caches...\n");
>>>> -
>>>> -	set_sctlr(get_sctlr() | CR_C);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -u64 *arch_get_page_table(void)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	return (u64 *)(gd->arch.tlb_addr + 0x3000);
>>>> -}
>>>> -#endif
>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h b/include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h
>>>> index 28622de..439f063 100644
>>>> --- a/include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h
>>>> +++ b/include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h
>>>> @@ -29,6 +29,50 @@
>>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_FULL_VA
>>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_MEM_MAP {						\
>>>> +	{								\
>>>> +		.base = 0x0UL,						\
>>>> +		.size = 0x80000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.attrs = PTE_BLOCK_MEMTYPE(MT_NORMAL) |			\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_INNER_SHARE				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0x80000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0x70000000UL,					\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_NON_SHARE |				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0xf8000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0x07e00000UL,					\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_NON_SHARE |				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0xffe00000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0x00200000UL,					\
>>>> +		.attrs = PTE_BLOCK_MEMTYPE(MT_NORMAL) |			\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_INNER_SHARE				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0x400000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0x200000000UL,					\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_NON_SHARE |				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0x600000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0x800000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.attrs = PTE_BLOCK_MEMTYPE(MT_NORMAL) |			\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_INNER_SHARE				\
>>>> +	}, {								\
>>>> +		.base = 0xe00000000UL,					\
>>>> +		.size = 0xf200000000UL,					\
>>>> +			 PTE_BLOCK_NON_SHARE |				\
>>>> +	},								\
>>>> +	}
>>>> +
>>>>  /* Have release address at the end of 256MB for now */
>>>>  #define CPU_RELEASE_ADDR	0xFFFFFF0
>>> No problem with this default map. I didn't check every entry. Siva will
>>> look at it.
>>> My problem is that this is static. You should enable option option to
>>> generate this table dynamically. The reason is that systems can run just
>> The way the code works today, I could easily just use a 0-size element
>> as array terminator and use an external pointer rather than the local
>> memory map array.
>> However, that contradicts with a runtime memory contrained approach to
>> determine the page table size. The only good path I could come up with
>> here is to generate the page table during build time and then save how
>> big it was. We couldn't do that with runtime changing tables.
> 0-size element is not enough. The problem are base addresses too.
> ZynqMP memory map is just this
> 1. 0-2GB PS memory up to 2GB
> 2. 2GB-3GB PL part
> 3. 3GB-4GB PCIE + device + small memories OCM/TCM
> 4. 4GB-16GB reserved
> 5. 16-24GB PL part
> 6. 24-32GB PCIe
> 7. 32-64GB DDR
> 8. 64-512GB PL
> 9. 512-768 PCIe
> 10. 768-1TB DDR
> 11. 1TB-16TB PL
> PL regions 2, 5, 11 can also contain memories but you are able to find
> them via DT for particular HW design.
> And start addresses can be in this range.
> In Xilinx tree I have patches for reading memory configuration from DT
> and saving them to gd->bd->bi_dram based on CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS setting
> and I think this should be wired.
> It means you should setup just memory attributes for memories which
> u-boot is aware of. For the rest of address space it is not that sensitive.

I think that makes a lot of sense. The current patch set simply moves
the logic as it stands today into tables rather than open coded code. To
modify the tables dynamically as next step sounds like a good idea to me.

>>> with PL DDR not PS and you can't map memory which is not there which can
>>> end up in system lock.
>>> We want to change current code to setup MMU table for memories at run
>>> time based on DT.
>> So in your use case, the regions would still be there, just their size
>> changes. That means we could still have static tables that then get
>> modified by runtime code later on to just span less?
> Not entirely. Definitely the part of table can be static but I tend to
> have especially memory mapping more dynamic.

I guess the way the table is now a struct in a .c file works for you? It
means you can modify it to whatever extent you like, maybe even generate
it completely dynamically if you wanted to.


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