[U-Boot] [BUG ] efiloader: incorrect creation of *.efi file

Heinrich Schuchardt xypron.glpk at gmx.de
Sat Jan 19 10:21:35 UTC 2019

Hello Alex,

bootefi hello fails since  5be444d14b380b210b246aa73dd5a111e4b1f80d
efi_loader: consistent build flags for EFI applications

The problem is caused by incorrect entry point information in the EFI

Actual positions in EFI file:
0x178 hw_memcmp.constprop.0
0x1a8 efi_main

Header information in EFI file
(using https://github.com/xypron/efi_analyzer):


So AddressOfEntryPoint is not pointing to efi_main().

Best regards


00000140   00 00 00 00  20 00 50 E0  FD 7B BE A9  FD 03 00 91
00000150   E0 07 01 A9  60 F5 FF 10  01 00 00 90  21 C0 19 91
00000160   A7 00 00 94  60 00 00 B5  E0 07 41 A9  0F 00 00 94
00000170   FD 7B C2 A8  C0 03 5F D6 >03 00 80 D2< 02 68 63 38
00000180   24 68 63 38  5F 00 04 6B  60 00 00 54  40 00 04 4B
00000190   C0 03 5F D6  63 04 00 91  7F 40 00 F1  01 FF FF 54
000001A0   00 00 80 52  FB FF FF 17 >FD 7B B7 A9< 82 01 80 D2
000001B0   FD 03 00 91  F3 53 01 A9  F3 03 02 91  F4 03 01 AA
000001C0   F5 5B 02 A9  F7 63 03 A9  F9 6B 04 A9  FB 73 05 A9

lib/efi_loader/helloworld.o:     file format elf64-littleaarch64
Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <hw_memcmp.constprop.0>:
   0:   d2800003        mov     x3, #0x0                        // #0
   4:   38636802        ldrb    w2, [x0, x3]
   8:   38636824        ldrb    w4, [x1, x3]
   c:   6b04005f        cmp     w2, w4
  10:   54000060        b.eq    1c <hw_memcmp.constprop.0+0x1c>  // b.none
  14:   4b040040        sub     w0, w2, w4
  18:   d65f03c0        ret
  1c:   91000463        add     x3, x3, #0x1
  20:   f100407f        cmp     x3, #0x10
  24:   54ffff01        b.ne    4 <hw_memcmp.constprop.0+0x4>  // b.any
  28:   52800000        mov     w0, #0x0                        // #0
  2c:   17fffffb        b       18 <hw_memcmp.constprop.0+0x18>

0000000000000030 <efi_main>:
  30:   a9b77bfd        stp     x29, x30, [sp, #-144]!
  34:   d2800182        mov     x2, #0xc                        // #12
  38:   910003fd        mov     x29, sp
  3c:   a90153f3        stp     x19, x20, [sp, #16]
  40:   910203f3        add     x19, sp, #0x80
  44:   aa0103f4        mov     x20, x1
  48:   a9025bf5        stp     x21, x22, [sp, #32]
  4c:   a90363f7        stp     x23, x24, [sp, #48]
  50:   a9046bf9        stp     x25, x26, [sp, #64]
  54:   a90573fb        stp     x27, x28, [sp, #80]
  58:   fd0033e8        str     d8, [sp, #96]
  5c:   9e670008        fmov    d8, x0
  60:   f940203b        ldr     x27, [x1, #64]
  64:   aa1303e0        mov     x0, x19
  68:   f940303a        ldr     x26, [x1, #96]
  6c:   90000001        adrp    x1, 0 <hw_memcmp.constprop.0>
  70:   91000021        add     x1, x1, #0x0
  74:   94000000        bl      0 <memcpy>
  78:   f9400762        ldr     x2, [x27, #8]
  7c:   90000001        adrp    x1, 0 <hw_memcmp.constprop.0>
  80:   aa1b03e0        mov     x0, x27
  84:   91000021        add     x1, x1, #0x0
  88:   d63f0040        blr     x2
  8c:   b9400a80        ldr     w0, [x20, #8]
  90:   52800004        mov     w4, #0x0                        // #0

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