[HELP] binman: main.py: not found

Buhrow, Simon simon.buhrow at sieb-meyer.de
Fri Feb 5 10:11:43 CET 2021

I´m doing my first steps with u-boot. But I can´t run `make all` successfully.

I get the following error when running `make all`:
./tools/binman/binman: 1: ./tools/binman/binman: main.py: not found
Makefile:1024: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 127

I´ve downloaded u-boot-2021.01 and I´m working on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS in VirtualBox on a Win10 PC. 
The file `./tools/binman/main.py` does exist.
So I´m not sure if there is any problem with symbolic links?
Python 3.6.9 is installed.
Running `sudo make all` throws the same error, that´s why I don´t think it´s a permission problem.



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