[RFC PATCH] test/py: Check hashes produced by mkimage against known values

Alexandru Gagniuc mr.nuke.me at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 21:33:01 CEST 2021

Target code and mkimage share the same hashing infrastructure. If one
is wrong, it's very likely that both are wrong in the same way. Thus
testing won't catch hash regressions. This already happened in
commit 92055e138f28 ("image: Drop if/elseif hash selection in
calculate_hash()"). None of the tests caught that CRC32 was broken.

Instead of testing hash_calculate() against itself, create a FIT with
containing a kernel with pre-calculated hashes. Then check the hashes
produced against the known good hashes.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <mr.nuke.me at gmail.com>

  $ ./test/py/test.py -k hash
  test_mkimage_hashes PASSED

Is very cryptic with regards to what is going on. It would be much
nicer to have tests named "crc32", "sha256", and so on. But I don't
know how to do that without several pyton functions each assembling
their own damn FIT.
I think it would also be nicer for the test log to show
    test_sha1  PASSED
    test_crc32 PASSED  
    test_md5   FAILED

 test/py/tests/test_fit_hashes.py    | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/py/tests/vboot/hash-images.its |  76 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 187 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/py/tests/test_fit_hashes.py
 create mode 100644 test/py/tests/vboot/hash-images.its

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_fit_hashes.py b/test/py/tests/test_fit_hashes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e228ea96d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_fit_hashes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Alexandru Gagniuc <mr.nuke.me at gmail.com>
+Check hashes produced by mkimage against known values
+This test checks the correctness of mkimage's hashes. by comparing the mkimage
+output of a fixed data block with known good hashes.
+This test doesn't run the sandbox. It only checks the host tool 'mkimage'
+import pytest
+import u_boot_utils as util
+kernel_hashes = {
+    "sha512" : "f18c1486a2c29f56360301576cdfce4dfd8e8e932d0ed8e239a1f314b8ae1d77b2a58cd7fe32e4075e69448e623ce53b0b6aa6ce5626d2c189a5beae29a68d93",
+    "sha384" : "16e28976740048485d08d793d8bf043ebc7826baf2bc15feac72825ad67530ceb3d09e0deb6932c62a5a0e9f3936baf4",
+    "sha256" : "2955c56bc1e5050c111ba6e089e0f5342bb47dedf77d87e3f429095feb98a7e5",
+    "sha1"   : "652383e1a6d946953e1f65092c9435f6452c2ab7",
+    "md5"    : "4879e5086e4c76128e525b5fe2af55f1",
+    "crc32"  : "32eddfdf",
+    "crc16-ccitt" : "d4be"
+class ReadonlyFitImage(object):
+    """ Helper to manipulate a FIT image on disk """
+    def __init__(self, cons, file_name):
+        self.fit = file_name
+        self.cons = cons
+        self.hashable_nodes = set()
+    def __fdt_list(self, path):
+        return util.run_and_log(self.cons, f'fdtget -l {self.fit} {path}')
+    def __fdt_get(self, node, prop):
+        val = util.run_and_log(self.cons, f'fdtget {self.fit} {node} {prop}')
+        return val.rstrip('\n')
+    def __fdt_get_sexadecimal(self, node, prop):
+        numbers = util.run_and_log(self.cons, f'fdtget -tbx {self.fit} {node} {prop}')
+        sexadecimal = ''
+        for num in numbers.rstrip('\n').split(' '):
+            sexadecimal += num.zfill(2)
+        return sexadecimal
+    def find_hashable_image_nodes(self):
+        for node in self.__fdt_list('/images').split():
+            # We only have known hashes for the kernel node
+            if 'kernel' not in node:
+                continue
+            self.hashable_nodes.add(f'/images/{node}')
+        return self.hashable_nodes
+    def verify_hashes(self):
+        for image in self.hashable_nodes:
+            algos = set()
+            for node in self.__fdt_list(image).split():
+                if "hash-" not in node:
+                    continue
+                raw_hash = self.__fdt_get_sexadecimal(f'{image}/{node}', 'value')
+                algo = self.__fdt_get(f'{image}/{node}', 'algo')
+                algos.add(algo)
+                good_hash = kernel_hashes[algo]
+                if good_hash != raw_hash:
+                    raise ValueError(f'{image} Borked hash: {algo}');
+            # Did we test all the hashes we set out to test?
+            missing_algos = kernel_hashes.keys() - algos
+            if (missing_algos):
+                raise ValueError(f'Missing hashes from FIT: {missing_algos}')
+ at pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('hash')
+ at pytest.mark.requiredtool('dtc')
+ at pytest.mark.requiredtool('fdtget')
+ at pytest.mark.requiredtool('fdtput')
+def test_mkimage_hashes(u_boot_console):
+    """ Test that hashes generated by mkimage are correct. """
+    def assemble_fit_image(dest_fit, its, destdir):
+        dtc_args = f'-I dts -O dtb -i {destdir}'
+        util.run_and_log(cons, [mkimage, '-D', dtc_args, '-f', its, dest_fit])
+    def dtc(dts):
+        dtb = dts.replace('.dts', '.dtb')
+        util.run_and_log(cons, f'dtc {datadir}/{dts} -O dtb -o {tempdir}/{dtb}')
+    cons = u_boot_console
+    mkimage = cons.config.build_dir + '/tools/mkimage'
+    datadir = cons.config.source_dir + '/test/py/tests/vboot/'
+    tempdir = cons.config.result_dir
+    fit_file = f'{tempdir}/test.fit'
+    dtc('sandbox-kernel.dts')
+    # Create a fake kernel image -- Avoid zeroes or crc16 will be zero
+    with open(f'{tempdir}/test-kernel.bin', 'w') as fd:
+        fd.write(500 * chr(0xa5))
+    assemble_fit_image(fit_file, f'{datadir}/hash-images.its', tempdir)
+    fit = ReadonlyFitImage(cons, fit_file)
+    nodes = fit.find_hashable_image_nodes()
+    if len(nodes) == 0:
+        raise ValueError('FIT image has no "/image" nodes with "hash-..."')
+    fit.verify_hashes()
diff --git a/test/py/tests/vboot/hash-images.its b/test/py/tests/vboot/hash-images.its
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ff797288c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/vboot/hash-images.its
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/ {
+	description = "Chrome OS kernel image with one or more FDT blobs";
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	images {
+		kernel {
+			data = /incbin/("test-kernel.bin");
+			type = "kernel_noload";
+			arch = "sandbox";
+			os = "linux";
+			compression = "none";
+			load = <0x4>;
+			entry = <0x8>;
+			kernel-version = <1>;
+			hash-0 {
+                                algo = "crc16-ccitt";
+                        };
+                        hash-1 {
+                                algo = "crc32";
+                        };
+                        hash-2 {
+                                algo = "md5";
+                        };
+                        hash-3 {
+                                algo = "sha1";
+                        };
+                        hash-4 {
+                                algo = "sha256";
+                        };
+                        hash-5 {
+                                algo = "sha384";
+                        };
+                        hash-6 {
+                                algo = "sha512";
+                        };
+		};
+		fdt-1 {
+			description = "snow";
+			data = /incbin/("sandbox-kernel.dtb");
+			type = "flat_dt";
+			arch = "sandbox";
+			compression = "none";
+			fdt-version = <1>;
+			hash-0 {
+                                algo = "crc16-ccitt";
+                        };
+                        hash-1 {
+                                algo = "crc32";
+                        };
+                        hash-2 {
+                                algo = "md5";
+                        };
+                        hash-3 {
+                                algo = "sha1";
+                        };
+                        hash-4 {
+                                algo = "sha256";
+                        };
+                        hash-5 {
+                                algo = "sha384";
+                        };
+                        hash-6 {
+                                algo = "sha512";
+                        };
+		};
+	};
+	configurations {
+		default = "conf-1";
+		conf-1 {
+			kernel = "kernel";
+			fdt = "fdt-1";
+		};
+	};

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